Aug. 30, 2024

2024 Fall Movie Preview

The fall movie season is upon us! In this episode, I do a recap of great films I have seen since the ‘Best of the Year So Far’ episode. Then, I look forward to the upcoming slate of fall movies, talk about the ones I am most excited about, and give a rundown of all of the significant movies coming out to make note of. It should be a fun season for movie lovers! 

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Eli (00:02.23)
Hello and welcome to the establishing shot a podcast where we do deep dives into directors and their filmographies. I am taking a break this week from that usual main content. And today we're going to be doing a bit of catching up with, the movies of the year so far and also looking forward to the fall. so we're doing a bit of a fall movie preview, if you will.

this week, generally fall movies are considered to be like September through November. and we're basically going to cover that and I'm going to include December too. Might as well finish out the year. Right. so we're going to be just kind of looking forward to what movies are coming out, what I, when I'm personally excited about. then, also I'm just going to kind of like blast you with all the movies that

I kind of came across that I think are worthy of, remembering that are coming out this fall. So, but first I wanted to kind of update you. I did do a best of the year so far episode, in June and, I've seen a decent amount of 20, 24 movies since then. most recently, saw alien Romulus, which I thought was really fun movie.

just really solid, fun, alien, sci -fi thriller, movie. it's, it was good. It wasn't the best alien movie. I don't think I've liked the, the two more recent Ridley Scott additions, to the franchise. And then the two originals, probably more, still, but this one is, it's really good. It's really fun. It's really fun to see in theaters.

so definitely recommend that. I wouldn't also recommend trap, the, the new in my Shyamalan kind of serial killer thriller. I thought it was a really fun movie. I've heard about some interviews with, Shyamalan where he's kind of talking about how much fun he had writing this movie and you can really see it when you watch it. you can see like, he is having so much fun. And, you know,

Eli (02:25.74)
People were always looking for twists in Shyamalan movies. I think, I think he's a smart enough writer where sometimes, even if you know that the twist is coming, it's really fun to, kind of see how it's going to play out. And I think he knows that. and so, yeah, I hadn't, I thought it was really cool too, that he kind of built this movie around finding a way to include his daughter's music. She's kind of the, the pop star.

that the concert is for. And yeah, that was really cool to see her working with her dad. I thought that was cool. The Bike Riders, I thought was a really good movie. I got to see it in theaters and it's probably not in theaters anywhere anymore, but that was really fun because all those motorcycle scenes are so loud and really...

It kind of fun to see on a big screen in a loud theater. but man, it was, it was a really enjoyable movie. Austin Butler is just incredible. I thought he did, did a phenomenal job. and it was fun seeing him work, work alongside Tom Hardy. yeah, really good movie, really good visuals, really good drama. yeah, just really good. saw Inside Out 2 also.

which I thought was really good. the first one is one of my favorites. favorite Pixar movies, that is, and, this one is, I would say it's like middle T it's, it's a bit of a step down just because I think it's just the natural, like it's derivative of the same concept. And so it's not as fresh and original. and so. Yeah. But I do, I did really appreciate.

the kind of like, okay, let's move Riley forward in her life and add some new emotions in, it deals with like beliefs and what that means for you as you grow up and build your beliefs. I thought it was really a well constructed new adding, adding onto what they had already built. So I really enjoyed that. Maybe a few tears. Yeah. I saw, the movie, monster, which is,

Eli (04:50.85)
Hirokazu Koreita's newest movie. It's some people kind of had it as a 2023 Movie but it really didn't release for people in the US to see it until this year. So I got to see that Koreita has has some pretty decently well -known movies out there like shoplifters But monster was really good. It's about these two kids

you kind of get some different perspectives as you go through the movie. Kind of learn. You kind of like will hate a character and then a different part of the movie, you see a different perspective and you're like, I still don't know if I like them, but also I don't know if I can hate them. You know, there's a lot of like, it's really interesting. It's a really, really, really interesting character study. So I recommend that.

and you know, that one is, Japanese language film. So, another one, long legs, country controversial movie. but I thought it was really good. man, if you can, if it's still showing, I highly recommend trying to see it in theaters. It's very, visceral, very, what I like about it is Osgood Perkins.

He just, he makes a decision and just goes for it. He doesn't, you can tell he's just like really going all out with all of his decisions. really like it. It's a rare case too, where Nicholas cage kind of disappears into a role, which is strange to see, but he is, you don't watch it you're like, yeah. So Nicholas cage, like many of his, his kind of roles are. and, Michael Monroe is really good in it too.

So I recommend seeing that one. Yeah, what else have I seen? Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell is one that I thought was really good. It's very slow. It's a Vietnamese language film by Pham Tien Anh. I probably said that wrong, but...

Eli (07:13.194)
Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell. I'm not even going to try to say the Vietnamese title that that's translated from, but yeah, it kind of, it follows this guy after, his, I guess his sister -in -law dies. and he's having to. Yeah. Yeah. His sister -in -law.

dies and he doesn't really know where his brother is. He's having to like take care of her son. it's very, it's like a very slow burn cinema, some really, really beautiful cinematography, really interesting camera work, character study drama. So I recommend that, it's not for everyone because it is very long and slow, but, but yeah, another one, twisters just like.

Solid eight out of ten summer blockbuster. It's not trying to be anything more than that and and I love it for it. So, you know glen powell and daisy egger jones both great recommend trying to get get and see that one tuesday is one that I really really enjoyed. it's really weird It's stars julia louis dryfus and lola pedicrew.

as a mother and daughter. the daughter has some sort of chronic disease of some sort. maybe a cancer or I, honestly, I can't remember. They probably said, I just don't remember. but she's kind of confronting death who shows up as this really strange bird that can get really small or grow really big. and talks the it's voiced by a Renze Kenne.

probably saying his name wrong. he's a British actor and playwright. man, what a, it's a phenomenal vocal performance. It's very like guttural and weird and strange. And the whole movie is kind of weird and strange. And I, I think that's probably why I really, really, really went for this one. some really emotional moments, as you can imagine too. another, there's three more that I want to highlight and these are, these are all.

Eli (09:40.858)
like close, like these could all be in contention for top five movies that I've seen so far. first is how to have sex. is this movie, by Molly Manning Walker, starring, Mia McKenna Bruce as the lead. and man, is it a

Eli (10:07.867)
A troubling watch. it's about these three, friends, there, some females from, Great Britain, guess, that go to this Greek Island for spring break. And it's just a bunch of underage drinking and partying and, it's, there's going to the beach and basically it deals, with, sexual assault and

the weird lines that can be crossed and the shame and

Eli (10:46.092)
just what these young girls have to deal with from both like their friend circle and people they don't really even know. This party scene that surrounds that. It's a really difficult watch. It made me really, really sad, but it's one of those movies that I'm like...

I was kind of listening to some chatter around it after I watched it. yeah, just hearing a lot of women come out and say, we need movies like this because this is real. this isn't just some made up story. are so many women that have experienced this, which makes me incredibly sad and angry. and so it just feels like a movie that is necessary.

one of those sorts of movies. I would, recommend seeing that it's, yeah, it's on movie. If you've never subscribed to movie, MUBI, can get a, probably get a free trial and watch. There's some, there's, they have some really great movies on movie. yeah. the next one is that I've seen since the June episode is I saw the TV glow. the new Jane Schoenbrunn, Schoenbrunn movie.

starring Justice Smith and Bridget Lundy -Payne as Owen and Maddie, two friends that kind of, they kind of bond over this TV show, which I'm blanking on the name of it and it's not in the description on Letterboxd. So anyway, they kind of bond over this TV show. It's a very like,

Eli (12:42.656)
It's a very strange movie. It's kind of this weird, like horror drama. there's definitely some big swings that are taken at the end. justice Smith is phenomenal in his performance for this movie. And it definitely deals with it. It's shown run and, you know, others have that I've written about the movie. It definitely deals with trans identity and what.

kind of the feelings of just feeling out of place and ostracize that a trans person can feel. so very like empathy building in that way. and, yeah, it's, it's just a really, really interesting diff. It's different. I haven't really seen anything quite like it. kind of.

It kind of delves into an area that like hasn't been explored a whole lot in film, which is like nostalgia for a show that you watched when you were a kid and maybe wasn't that great, but your love for it makes it like rises it up somehow. the connection you had with that piece of pop culture maybe, and how much it means for you and in your life.

yeah, it's just really interesting. A whole lot of things going on with that one. And the last one is, this French, a French language, called, the beast by Bertrand Bonello. Never seen anything else by this director, but I might after this, it's kind of a drama romance sci -fi movie, starring, Lea Sadoo.

And George McKay, Lea Seduce pretty well known. George McKay, probably most people would know him from, 1917. He's, he's the main, main kid in 1917. but yeah, it's, it's this like near future where kind of AI has taken over because there was some sort of, I don't know, humans.

Eli (15:02.582)
kind of screwed up. so AI took over and humans have this option to this sort of like DNA operation where they can get rid of their emotions. And this movie is like, so it has that, also like it's dealing with like she has passed lives too. And so this, less seduced character, Gabrielle,

has this like relationship with this guy, Louis, who George McKay plays through these different time periods. there's this like old, I don't know exactly Victorian it looks like, but obviously in France, so not quite. Victorian. I don't know. so it's like that sort of time period and then, 2004 time period, I think is what the middle one is. then.

The present with, or it's, it's a little bit in the near future. I can't remember exactly the years, but, you kind of see things happen and it kind of jumps back and forth between those. can't really explain exactly why I loved this so much. There's a scene towards the end that like gave me chills. just incredibly, it builds up to it so incredibly well. it's so incredibly.

And viscerally, I know people use that word a lot and I think I've used it twice, but very like real and viscerally acted by said, do, just really, really interesting movie. Another example of, just haven't seen many movies that are doing exactly what this one, was doing. So yeah, I highly, highly recommend the beast as a French language film.

you can actually stream it on the Criterion channel right now if you, you have that. but yeah. So those are a lot of movies that I've seen since that June episode. So go check those out. and yeah, I think now we can move into this 2024 fall movie preview. So I'm going to do this. I am picking.

Eli (17:29.046)
five movies that I'm really excited to see. And I'm going to go through those and then I'm just going to like spitfire all the movies that are coming out and maybe a little bit about what they are, who's in them or who's making them, that sort of thing. So five movies that I am really excited to see. The first one is technically already out, sort of.

It had like its opening weekend was like only New York and LA and then it rolled out to like hundred theaters. it still hasn't shown here in Lafayette, Louisiana where I am. and I don't know when or if it will, unfortunately. but that movie is Sing Sing, directed by Greg Aquedar. I'm assuming I'm saying his last name right.

and it stars, Coleman Domingo and, guy named Clarence Macklin. this is based on this prison program, that teaches inmates to, it just teaches inmates about like theater, whether it's acting or directing or, I guess, right. theater, and yeah, so it's, it's this kind of.

drama based on some real experiences. I think they did some, maybe some interviewing and, and just kind of research into this program. which is really cool. I heard that it has like a really super high success rate of, inmates not returning to prison after they've been through the program. So really cool. and the cool thing about this movie is.

That Coleman Domingo is really the only big actor. the only other name I recognize is Paul Arachi. he was in the movie sound of metal, a few years ago, which I loved. but, or Paul Racy, maybe, anyways, but a lot of the other actors are actually playing versions of themselves. They are actually people that have, have went through this program.

Eli (19:50.094)
and are now acting in this movie kind of as versions of themselves like they're characters that have the same name as them and it's not exactly like this is exactly my story but it's kind of like like I said they did the research and kind of wrote it around some of these experiences and so really cool it's supposed to be like this is definitely gonna have some Oscar nominations in acting

and maybe in screenplay. so I really, really am looking forward to this movie, Sink Sing. hoping to be able to actually see it. it, I would like to see it in a theater if it would show here, but if not, I'll see it however I can. So that's the first one. And I'm not doing these in any sort of order. I'm just kind of doing it in the order that they're coming out. So.

In case you were wondering like, is that his most anticipated or no, I'm just kind of going by release date order. the second one is coming out supposed to release October 11th. That is the movie Saturday night. and bear with me while I pull it up. but yeah, Saturday night is directed by Jason Reitman, who you might recognize as the director of.

He's like Juno or up in the air totally. thank you for smoking. So he's had some, some good movies, I guess kind of known as a comedy director, I guess. but, I am really excited about this. It is based on, the first kind of troop of Saturday night live actors and producers and directors, guess.

and yeah, it just has a phenomenal cast. have Gabriel Abel, who played the Spielberg stand in and the fabled men's and he was actually in another movie earlier this year, snack shack, which I did enjoy. Cooper Hoffman, Philip Seymour Hoffman's son, who, you might remember was in Paul Thomas Anderson's licorice pizza. It was really great in that excited to see him again. Rachel's Sinai.

Eli (22:12.012)
Who has been in a lot of great things. Shiva baby bottoms last year. and yeah, some more people. So those are some really like great young up and coming actors. and then you have guys like Lamar Morris, who most people probably know from, from new girl. Wilm Dafoe is in it. Matthew Reese, JK Simmons is in it.

so yeah, it's, it's just got a really great cast and I'm especially excited to see these kind of young and young up and coming actors and actresses really get a chance to shine. it's supposed to be like a drama comedy. So I'm just, yeah, I'm just excited. I don't know much else about it. kind of a, it's kind of a behind the scenes in the 90 minutes leading up to the first broadcast of Saturday night live is what it says in the description.

So yeah, looking forward to that. Excited about it. That's another one. I wanted to get a comedy in there, because the rest of mine are not comedies at all. Which leads me to my next one, which is set to release on November 1st, and that is Steve McQueen's new movie, Blitz. This movie has been set to come out for a while now. Stars Sorcha Ronan.

which is one reason I'm excited. really love her as an actress. so, yeah, it is set in London in World War II. There's this nine -year -old kid, George, who is sent to the countryside for his mother, who is played by Sorsha Ronan, to escape bombings. he is trying to, this kid is trying to return.

his family and then barks on an epic perilous journey back home as Rita the mother searches for him. So yeah I'm excited because it's Sorcha Ronan, I'm excited because it's Steve McQueen who you probably know most from directing 12 Years a Slave. He also directed a series of Amazon kind of movies I guess.

Eli (24:34.274)
that released during the pandemic that I love the small acts series. All of those were really good. Yeah, I'm just excited about it. So World War II drama, just it has Sorceron, it's directed by Steve McQueen. Yeah, that's all I need and I'm there. The next one is not gonna be any surprise releasing on November 22nd is Gladiator 2.

Ridley Scott is returning to direct the sequel to his very very loved movie gladiator and Yes, you have Denzel Washington showing up in the gladiator universe Yes, you have Pedro Pascal showing up here as Marcus Acasius excited to see Pedro Pascal in this movie, but

The reason I am, it's a gladiator sequel. It's going to be really fun. a lot of people are going to go see this, but here's the reason I might even be, might even be most excited is because Paul Mescal is the star of this movie. He's on the poster. He's front and center in the trailers, playing Lucius Verus. And I am just excited for Paul Mescal to be a huge A -list star after this, cause I have

really loved the the few things I've seen him in. He's just been so phenomenal. an actor. I think he's just he's just set up to be a star and this hopefully is going to push him into that. Really excited to see Ridley Scott return for Gladiator movie and excited for Denzel and Pedro like I said but Paul Mescal is the top. I'm putting him as the top reason I'm excited to see.

glad I air two and that dude looks ripped in this movie poster. My goodness. anyway, that was the fourth one. The fifth and final movie I am most excited to see is none other than Robert Eggers Nosferatu. I am so excited. This there's this guy, Buddy Campbell, who's I don't really, who I don't really know. Don't know anything about him. playing count Orlok.

Eli (27:04.34)
or otherwise known as, Dracula, Nicholas Holt, isn't it? Willem Dafoe, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Emma Corrine, Ralph Innocent, man, just great cast. It's a Dracula movie. It's a remake of Nosferatu. It's Robert Eggers of the lighthouse, the witch, the Northman fame. yeah, I am kind of.

I am kind of upset that it's not the Nosferatu to continue his the something names, but that's all right. I am pumped for this. It's coming out Christmas day, December 25th. I don't know. I will not be there Christmas day because I don't go to movies on Christmas day, but I might be there in the next day. am. This is if I did have to say one that I'm most excited about, it's probably this one. So

Those are my top five anticipated movies for this fall. guess technically Nosferatu is not a fall movie, but I'm including December, as I said. So now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to spit fire through a bunch more movies that I think are noteworthy that are coming out this fall. I think I have like 30, so I'm not going to spend much time on each one.

But first is another one like Sing Sing that technically is already released, but is not in a whole lot of theaters. It is the movie Dee Dee directed by Sean Wang. So it's, it's a, it's actually primarily an English language film, but it's English and Chinese. And it is the Sean Wang, the director was actually nominated for a live action short this past Oxford Oscars.

called Nine Eye and Wipo, which I really, really loved. I thought it was so sweet and fun. And so I've heard good things about this movie. Excited to see it. Yeah. It's about these kids in 2008. So probably will be nostalgic for me because I was a kid still in 2008. A high school kid, but older than these kids, but still.

Eli (29:33.834)
Next one, releasing September 6th, real soon is Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. I am excited to see this. It gives me an excuse to watch the first one again, which I plan to soon. Which I think I've seen, but I don't really have. Maybe I've only seen parts of it. I don't have very strong memories. So it might be a whole new experience for me. So.

Excited for Tim Burton's new Beetlejuice Beetlejuice with Michael Keaton returning for that. This isn't maybe a notable one, but I was interested in it. It's called The Front Room. Also releasing September 6th, directed by Max Eggers and Sam Eggers, who are twins that I think are half brothers of Robert Eggers. So yeah, interesting. It's a...

It's a mystery horror, starring Brandy, Brandy Norwood, Catherine Hunter's in it. yeah, could be interesting. another horror movie that at least the trailers make, they seem interesting is speak no evil is directed by James Watkins. It's a, the trailer that I'm sure you've all seen in theaters when you go to movies with James McVoy and Mackenzie Davis.

Scott McNary and Alex Westleffler. This about these couple who are like brought to this kind of countryside estate with this British family and weird things start happening I guess. Anyways, interesting. This movie is probably, it's probably closer up there to those first five I named.

As far as excitement goes, Wolf's by directed by John Watts and starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt. That's all, you know, forget the director. It's all about Clooney and Pitt for me. John Watts is he's done the Spider -Man movies for Marvel. I haven't seen anything else he's done. And I think those are just okay. So I'm not really excited about him. I'm really excited about George Clooney and Brad Pitt in the movie.

Eli (31:56.204)
But yeah, I'm excited about that. It's technically releasing on September 20th, a limited release, and then it's going to streaming a week later. So if it's not showing wherever you are, then you can see it on September 27th. It's supposed to release on, I think it's Apple TV, if I'm not mistaken. So that's one.

Another one releasing on September 20th is the animated Transformers one Just throwing it out there. It's got a really good voice cast Chris Hemsworth Brian Tyree Henry Scarlett Johansson King Michael Key Steve Buscemi Lawrence Fishburne John Hamm man That's a that's a great voice cast, you know Yeah, so it's an animated Transformers movie

You know, for kids, but also if you like Transformers for you too. I don't know if I'm going to be running out to see that one. I'm not like a huge Transformers guy, but, but I might see it when it comes to streaming. don't know. the next one is a big one. It's one that I'm excited about, but unsure about if that makes sense. it is Francis Ford Coppola's new huge movie, Megalopolis.

hugely named as well. starring Adam Driver also has, Giancarlo Esposito in it. Aubrey Plaza, Shia LaBeouf, John Voight, Jason Schwartzman, Lawrence Fishburne, Catherine Hunter, Dustin Hoffman. yeah, I mean, it's Francis Ford Coppola. So of course he's, he can get all the actors he wants. this one has been real controversial since it, I think it premiered at Venice film festival.

been real controversial. you know, is what it is. It's Francis Ford Coppola. He's old. He can make whatever he wants. So yeah. but yeah, that's coming out. another one coming out on September 27th is the animated movie, the wild robot directed by Chris Sanders. who did, he's done some good movies. He directed,

Eli (34:19.31)
And wrote, believe Lilo and Stitch and how to train your dragon. he also, wrote a Mulan. So yeah, he's done some good stuff. I'm excited about this one. mostly because I've actually been reading, a little chapter book that it's based off of out loud to my son. and it's a really good story. It's about this robot that gets turned on on an island with all these animals.

kind of starts befriending the animals, learning how to live in the wild. Yeah, Lupita Nyong 'o is voicing Roz, the main robot. Pedro Pascal does some voice work. Bill Nye, Stephanie Hsu, Mark Hamill, Catherine O 'Hara, Ving Rhames. Yeah, some great voice actors. And I know we're about like halfway through it, and it's a really sweet story.

I've been enjoying reading it with him. So hopefully he'll get to go see that with me in the theaters. Next up, moving into October. On October 4th, of course, we have Joker Foliadou, the new Todd Phillips sequel to the Joker movie starring Joaquin Phoenix as the titular Joker and Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn. Should be interesting.

also you got some other good actors in there. Brendan Gleason, Katherine Keener, Zazie Beetz, Steve Coogan. yeah. this one is one that like, I had, I've talked before, I don't know on this podcast, but on another podcast, I was a guest on about how I had a weird experience with the first one. I thought it was good, but the audience reaction was like, was really

made me feel wicky. So I'm really, really interested to see what he does with this movie. You know, there's some sort of music aspect. I don't know if it's like musical numbers necessarily. You can't really tell from the trailer or any of the press. But yeah, I am definitely interested to see what they do with this.

Eli (36:42.502)
another one coming out on October 4th is, the out run. this one also has short, Sorcerer Ronin, which is really the main reason I was interested in it. the director directed a movie that, it had some buzz, a few years ago called system crash or if you've ever heard of that movie, I didn't get around to seeing it. but it did have some.

good buzz around it and this one is by the same director has Sorcer Ronan in it seems like a drama of sorts so yeah interested in that skipping over Saturday night on October 11th what's already mentioned we have also on October 11th supposed to be releasing maybe it was kind of unclear

The movie we live in time directed by John Crowley Who directed Brooklyn? It's probably his most well -known book. I mean book His most well -known movie this one stars Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield in a drama romance Kind of has some memes out right now with the merry -go -round horse kind of shoving its head in front of

Garfield and Pew's like romantic moment. If you've seen those memes it's actually really funny. I don't really know much about this movie. I know that Brooklyn was good and I know that 4inch Pew and Andrew Garfield are good so could be good. Smile 2 is coming out October 18th if you liked the first one then there's this one coming out. Don't know anything about the first one or this one so...

That's just for the people that are fans of the first smile movie. another one coming out on October 18th is flight risk. this is Mel Gibson directed, which is interesting. it's about a pilot transporting an air Marshall, with a fugitive to go to a trial, stars Mark Wahlberg and, Topher Grace and Michelle Dockery. So could be interesting.

Eli (39:05.59)
I like Mark Wahlberg and like Topher Grace. So, another one also October 18th. I don't know how big of a release this is going to get. It is a animated movie called Kinsuke's kingdom. the description says young Michael shipwrecked on an Aroma Island must adapt to life alone. over time he feels another presence learning that this world is home to both unimaginable, unimaginable danger and beauty.

Has some good voice actors with Sally Hawkins, Killian Murphy, Ken Watanabe is in it. Well, his voice is. So yeah, it seems interesting. It's one of the production companies that are behind it. One of the studios has also done some stuff with Cartoon Saloon, which I really enjoy the few of those I've seen. They're from out of that animation studio, so could be good.

October 25th, the only movie I really saw was venom. The last dance. I have not seen any of these venom movies starring Tom Hardy. I don't know if I'll get around to it anytime soon. but yeah, there's some people that like these. Okay. or at least think they're fun. So yeah, that's coming out. I already mentioned November 1st, have blitz coming out.

November 1st though is packed. could have picked either of these three movies that are set to release on November 1st. Now, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if one of them kind of shifts its release date to kind of get out from under the other. But Blitz is coming out on that date that I mentioned, Steve McQueen movie with short Sorcerer Ronan. But you also have a new Robert Zemeckis movie called Here.

starring none other than Tom Hanks and Robin Wright. So that should be interesting. You also have Paul Bettany in the film along with some other maybe less notable names. Kelly Riley is probably one that people might recognize, Michelle Dockery. Anyways.

Eli (41:27.648)
This movie is, it says an Odyssey through time and memory centered around a place in New England where from wilderness and then later from a home, love, loss, struggle, hope, and legacy play out between couples and families over generations. So yeah, just this apparently big epic drama written by, I think Robert Zemeckis wrote it as well. see. yeah. Written by Robert Zemeckis and Eric Roth, who

wrote Forrest Gump, also wrote Killers of the Flower Moon, The First in Dune. He's written a lot of movies, or a lot of good movies, I think. So yeah, this actually could be good. It could be, it'll be at least interesting. Gotta love Tom Hanks. Eric Roth has written some good movies, so here could be good, November 1st. The other movie set to release on November 1st.

is a real pain, which is Jesse Eisenberg's second feature film that he's directed. And he's also starring in it alongside Kieran Culkin, who I think is probably an actor we probably should see more of. I've liked him in some of things I've seen him in. But this is about some cousins who go on a tour through Poland to honor their grandmother.

and, yeah, the things with their family history, obviously it's Poland. think there's some stuff, maybe something around World War II stuff going on maybe in their, their family history. I'm not sure exactly, and I don't want to know cause I want to see it and find out. So, I've heard really good things about this movie, some great acting, some, yeah, I've heard good things. So.

Man, three movies on November 1st that I'm really excited about. could have picked here or a real pain for my top five. and I also could have picked this movie coming out on November 8th for my top five, but I didn't. and that is a new movie called Conclave by, Edward Berger, who directed, the recent all quiet on the Western front movie, that I think it got a best picture.

Eli (43:55.202)
And yeah, this movie stars Ray Fiennes and Stanley Tucci and John Lithgow, Isabella Rossellini. Man, what a cast. What a phenomenal cast. But it is, I'm going to read the description because it is really intriguing to me. I really am excited to see this movie. It says Cardinal Lawrence, who is played by Ray Fiennes, is tasked with leading one of the world's most secretive and ancient events, selecting a new pope.

Once the Catholic Church's most powerful leaders have gathered from around the world and are locked together in the Vatican halls, Lawrence finds himself at the center of a conspiracy and discovers a secret that could shake the very foundation of the church. yeah, I am very intrigued. I want to see this movie. yeah. so that is coming out on November 8th. I probably could have picked that for my top five too, but I had to, I had to narrow it down.

There is a another movie on November 8th coming out that I thought was notable because it is has a Barry Kagan Starring in it. It's a movie called Bird directed by Andrea Arnold who also directed the movie American Honey that was pretty well -known 2016 movie Yeah, it's a it seems like an interesting little drama family with this family

Yeah, so that's on November 8th. November 15th we have our first Christmas movie called Red One, which is the code name for Santa Claus in this movie starring Dwayne Johnson, Chris Evans, J .K. Simmons, and Lucy Liu. So yeah, there's that. It's a Jake Kasdan movie of the new Jumanji series fame.

Walk hard the Deweycock story, so it'll be kind of a wacky little common Christmas comedy I guess so that could be fun to see we'll see maybe I don't know Yeah, it's it's there to say the least Moving forward you have of course already mentioned gladiator 2 coming out November 22nd, but also on November 22nd you have wicked

Eli (46:21.692)
or it's just called wicked right now. I thought it was going to be, I guess they didn't want to put part one on it. I don't know. directed by John Chu, who, has done crazy rich Asians, in the heights, which I really liked. I thought crazy rich Asians was really good too. so yeah, I haven't seen anything else by him, but those two movies are good. So, yeah, who knows this wicked,

adaptation of the Broadway musical could be good starring Cynthia Erivo who I have not seen in anything. I haven't seen any of the movies she's in. Ariana Grande also and it's welcome some others. Michelle Yeoh. That's fun. Jeff Goldblum. That's fun. yeah so I'm mildly excited to see this. I'm kind of wary of it but

I've never actually seen the Broadway musical. So, I kind of wonder if I should like watch a filmed version of a filmed, like the Broadway version of the musical before I see the movie. Maybe I don't know. I do think it's funny. I've seen some people trying to make a Barbenheimer for the release of gladiator two and wicked and naming it Glick it, which I think is really

Hilarious I'll probably plan on calling it Glick -a -day And I think you should too There is one more movie coming out on November 22nd that I thought was interesting It is called Bonhoeffer pastor spy assassin Directed by Todd Todd Camarneke Camarneke Who so I thought it was notable he

Is a right was one of the writers or I don't know if there are multiple, but he wrote solely Tom Hanks Clint Eastwood movie, which I thought was good. So maybe this movie will be good too. there's not really any. Actors of note. but I do find the, the historical person of Dietrich Bonhoeffer to be a very interesting person. so yeah, maybe with a good writer and some.

Eli (48:45.666)
if there's some decent acting and directing. Yeah, maybe that could be good. We have a few more to get through here. So let's roll on into the end of November. On November 22nd, you have Moana 2 coming out. Moana 2. Yeah.

Eli (49:10.018)
It's a Moana sequel. Moana is one of my favorite Disney classics, Disney animated classics as it would be called. So I love Moana. I don't know that I can say I'm terribly excited for Moana 2. I think it's very unnecessary, but it could be really good. I might end up loving it. So yeah, kind of some, I guess, wary excitement there for Moana 2.

moving into December, I'll kind of roll through these. we have on December 6th, we have this movie, Y2K coming out starring Jayden Martell, Rachel Ziegler, and Julian Dennison among some other kids. it is about the last night of 1999, some high schoolers crash a new year's Eve party. yeah, directed by Kyle Mooney who has not directed anything else.

So yeah, there you go. Kind of a debut director. Could be fun. I don't really know. We'll find out. Looks to be just a comedy. the next week on December 13th, you have a couple of movies coming out, Craven the Hunter, which will be the next... I thought this was a...

Marvel is Craven the hunter not a Marvel character. I thought he was But I am doing some I'm kind of Just talking while I look up if Craven the hunter is a Marvel character You're probably like yes, duh. He is as I'm saying this but I just honestly don't But

Sorry, I'm really trying to look it up and I'm not finding anything that is helpful to help me with Craven the Hunter. Anyway, let's see, Craven is a game hunter whose goal is to beat Spider -Man. Yes, if he is trying to beat Spider -Man, then he is definitely a Marvel character. yeah, Craven the Hunter, thank you for bearing with me as I...

Eli (51:36.418)
Confirmed that, directed by JC Chandor. I haven't seen any of his other movies, but I've heard some good things about triple frontier, was a Netflix released movie, back in 2019. so there's that, it's starring Aaron Taylor Johnson, Russell Crowe and Ariana DeBose. so some good actors. I I'm not like excited about this, but probably go see it.

the other movie that is set to release on December 13th is the Lord of the Rings, the war of the Rohirrim. It is an animated Lord of the Rings movie directed by Kenji Kamiyama. yeah, it's the Lord of the Rings movie. It's animated. I'm excited to see it, honestly. it's a story we haven't seen really on film before, so it could be fun. moving on.

December 20th, a movie that I don't know what to think about. I don't really want to go see it in theaters because I absolutely hated the, predecessor. And that would be Mufasa, the lion King. Here's the thing. It's got some really good actors that are doing the voice acting. So that's, that's fun. The first one had that too though.

but here's the kicker. You're it's directed by Barry Jenkins, Moonlight. If Bill Street could talk, two phenomenal movies. what is he doing here directing Mufasa the Lion King? I don't know. it's very confusing. I don't know what to do with it, but I guess if I hear really good things, I might have to go see it.

I just don't expect to hear very good things about this movie because the first one was so bad, but we'll see. We foster the Lion King December 20th. Also December 20th. It's got some strong competition in Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Probably most notably you've got Keanu Reeves as Shadow the Hedgehog. So there you go. Sonic 3. I haven't seen any of these Sonic movies, but people really like them. So maybe I'll check some of them out.

Eli (54:04.834)
couple more, one more on December 20th that I wanted to point out, the room next door starring Julianne Moore and, Tilda Swinton. also you got John Tercero showing up. this is directed by, Pedro Almodovar, who is a really well -respected, Spanish film director. the only movie I've actually seen by him was a 2019 film called Pain and Glory.

starring Antonio Banderas, which was really, really good. So, yeah, I think he's a really good director based off of his reputation and that one film I've seen. but also Julianne Moore and Tilda Swinton teaming up is really interesting to me. So yeah, I thought that was a movie of note that I wanted to point out. and then, December 25th, wrapping up the year, you've got Nosferatu, which I've already talked about and also.

a James Mangold directed Bob Dylan biopic called A Complete Unknown starring Timothy Chalamet as Bob Dylan. And then you've got Edward Norton as Pete Seeger, Al Fanning as Sylvia Russo, Monica Barbaro as John Bayes. Yeah, I'm very intrigued by this. James Mangold has directed some pretty good movies.

He did the most recent Indiana Jones film, Dial of Destiny. He also directed Logan, Girl Interrupted, Ford versus Ferrari, Walk the Line, 310 to Yuma. He's directed some good movies. He did the Walk the Line with Walking Phoenix. you know, he's got...

some success with the music biopic with, you know, Phoenix's Johnny Cash, if you weren't aware what Walk the Line is. So that was a pretty well -received movie. It's pretty good. So this could be pretty good too. I think it's a young Bob Dylan, which wouldn't make sense if it was old Bob Dylan with Timothee Chalamet playing him, but yeah.

Eli (56:26.018)
So that's wrapping up the year. I'm sure there are many other movies that are coming out that might show up that weren't, that didn't show up in my research, but yeah, that's the fall movie preview. I'm excited about a lot of these movies. I'm excited for some movies that have already come out that I haven't seen yet.

And so, yeah, if you have any movies that you're interested in seeing that I didn't mention, feel free to reach out. yeah, you can send a voicemail in and I'll try to include it on the next show. if I can, you can, you can do that. You can go to the website, I believe. yeah, you can, establishing shot pod .com and right there on the right side of your screen, you'll see a little leaf of voicemail button that you can press.

send a voice recording. That would be fun if you wanted to share maybe one of these movies that I mentioned that you're excited about or maybe even just your favorite movie of the year so far. It would be fun to hear that. yeah, do that. It'll just, it just takes a second. Just go leave a voicemail on the website, establishingshotpod .com. Go for it. But that is all I have for you this week. Next week.

We are going to be jumping into a sort of intermission, if you will, of our Spielberg series, kind of talking about recapping the, his movies of the seventies and eighties, looking forward to his movies of the nineties and two thousands. and yeah, so that's what you have to look forward to next week. But until then I have been Eli Price and you've been listening to the establishing shot. We will see you next time.