While artificial intelligence has burst on the scene as a huge cultural topic in recent years, there is a long history of AI stories in film. This week, we do a movie draft of films dealing with artificial intelligence. We talk about the ways the films we choose explore the topic, how so many of these films are more relevant today than ever, and enjoy discussing the wide variety of styles and storytelling in these AI movies. Plus, you get to vote on who had the better draft!
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Zachary Lee
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Eli (00:01.198)
Hello and welcome to the Establishing Shot, a podcast where we do deep dives into directors and their filmographies. I am your host, Eli Price, and we are on episode 75 of the podcast. And yeah, we are not covering a Spielberg movie. We are doing a movie draft this week in honor of AI artificial intelligence, which we covered last week. And I'm sure it was very easy to guess, but.
I am going to be doing along with Zachary Lee joining me again from last week. We are going to be doing a draft of AI movies. So movies that deal with artificial intelligence. So me and Zachary had a, I think it was a great discussion last week of Spielberg's movie AI. And I hope you, the listener enjoyed it as well. If you haven't listened to that,
Zachary Lee (00:33.527)
Zachary Lee (00:39.322)
Zachary Lee (00:50.02)
It was great.
Eli (00:59.308)
You should go listen to it. but yeah, so yeah, I was like, man, what a perfect opportunity to draft AI movies. And I was surprised. I was like, we were just talking all, before I hit record of like, man, I was surprised how many AI movies I had as options for this draft. I was like, wow, there's not, there's the opposite, whatever the opposite of slim pickings is. That's what there is.
Zachary Lee (01:00.451)
Yeah, it's great.
Eli (01:28.814)
Yeah. Yeah. Was it similar for you, Zachary? Were you like, I have a lot of AI movies I can choose from.
Zachary Lee (01:36.919)
I was thinking about it when I was making my list where I was like, what does it entail? You know, and all those sorts of things, but I was like, there's a lot. I feel like it's really interesting. like you have a, it's, it's similar, I think in a lot of ways to how we described our AI conversation from, you know, prior where it's like, you have commercial, you have very intellectual and heady and you have kind of them all together at the same time. So that's what was fun about it was like,
Eli (01:42.711)
Zachary Lee (02:06.051)
We could go like the Tarkovsky and like solo, you know what I mean? Or like the super intellectual route, which is cool. But like, you know, there's also the other fun, you know, fun angles you can go for as well. So I think I like that. Yeah.
Eli (02:10.328)
Eli (02:19.906)
Yeah, for sure. Yeah, did, I guess the question like that goes along with this draft, like the, I guess the question we have to ask is, you know, I pulled up AI movies and I was like, there's so many to choose from that I've actually seen. And I guess the question is, why are we so interested in AI? Like what?
Zachary Lee (02:38.935)
Zachary Lee (02:45.331)
Eli (02:48.174)
Do you have an answer to that? Why are humans so interested in artificial intelligence?
Zachary Lee (02:54.021)
You know, it's so funny, I, because I was thinking about this after our discussion too, or like what we were thinking about where I'm like, there's just like, it's crazy to think like, I mean, obviously it's conversations were before this too, but like in 2001 with a, with Spielberg's movie, there's just like such a, a, a precision of inquiry of what Spielberg and the late Kubrick were asking. So I do feel like there's,
Eli (03:07.074)
Zachary Lee (03:22.147)
the sense of like, just like to like push limits. I think we like to see ourselves maybe in a very narcissistic way reflected in the things that we make. And so, you know, it's why things are becoming more human and everything like that and like the effect of all that. I could see that, I could see a reason for that being the case. yeah, I think like,
Eli (03:32.632)
Eli (03:44.406)
Yeah. Yeah.
Zachary Lee (03:47.129)
Humanity's desires to always extend beyond what we're physically capable of being flesh and bone and all that sort of stuff, like I think also applies in this case too, yeah.
Eli (03:52.834)
Eli (03:56.685)
Yeah, yeah, it's super interesting because I mean, it's it like plays into it. It's definitely like, I think our interest in general and like the discussions around AI are like certainly like narcissistic because all the discussions are like, what makes us human and you know, what separates us from other things. And I mean, it's it is good questions. Like I say narcissistic, which implies like
negative connotation, but I mean, like, they are questions that, are kind of inevitable. But I think, like, our obsession as a culture with artificial intelligence kind of, like, exacerbates that question to a certain degree of, like, what makes us human? Why am I here? You know, those sort of existential questions that we all ask. definitely,
Zachary Lee (04:49.626)
Zachary Lee (04:54.093)
Yeah, that's a good point. It like it brings up those things.
Eli (04:56.878)
exacerbates those questions like to the nth degree because you're already asking an existential question but then you're like applying that existential question to like something that wouldn't exist without you making it, without us making it and so... But yeah, but all the philosophical questions aside, we're now gonna have just
Zachary Lee (04:59.16)
Zachary Lee (05:16.783)
Yeah, that's a good point. I wasn't thinking about that.
Zachary Lee (05:24.171)
Eli (05:26.938)
a blast drafting artificial intelligence movies. And like you said, there's a lot of, there's a variety to choose from. So, yeah, as far as parameters, I didn't really like think of any hard and fast like rules for the movies we're allowed to draft. In my mind, I was thinking of movies that like deal with the questions of artificial intelligence like
Zachary Lee (05:28.771)
Zachary Lee (05:54.265)
Eli (05:54.968)
have a main, like it's a big part of the movie. Like I guess there's probably plenty of movies that have like AI characters, but like it's kind of like a side thing. It's not really that interested in AI as a concept or whatever. And so I was thinking more in line with like movies that are interested in artificial intelligence, like as a concept and, and as like the, like a major like
Zachary Lee (06:19.288)
as a concept,
Eli (06:23.746)
theme being explored or like the main one of the main characters is AI and there's there's questions like around that character and their motivations. So like even if the movie is not like, ooh, what is AI? Is AI human or not? Sometimes there's like a character where those questions like naturally come up. So yeah, that could probably be included too. But yeah.
Zachary Lee (06:28.837)
There's an AI thing, yeah.
Zachary Lee (06:45.175)
Zachary Lee (06:50.852)
Eli (06:52.45)
That's kind of where I was thinking, you know, I'm not going to put any like hard and fast rules on there as long as you can like make an argument for why your movie is a good AI movie, then I'm cool with it.
Zachary Lee (07:05.733)
I think that's a great, those are group parameters. And that's kind of what I was thinking too, where I was like, where are we landing here with this? With all their.
Eli (07:09.911)
Okay, cool.
Yeah. Well, I think you've got first pick. think I, I think we've exchanged both. We've both had the first pick in past drafts that we've done together. So I think it's, I think it's back to you. You're you've got the first pick.
Zachary Lee (07:25.057)
okay. It's back to... Man, it's like cool, because I'm like, where do I go? Because there's so many to pick here. Well, actually, let me see here. You know what? think one that in some ways ties with the maybe dismal ending of a certain theme and also marries the...
Eli (07:34.477)
Zachary Lee (07:53.157)
the philosophical headiness with like maybe the more commercial aspects is I'm going to go with the Matrix. So for as a first pick. So that's the 1999 sci-fi film. Actually, it's funny. Actually, now that I'm saying the year crazy, I think this is two years before the, you know, the artificial intelligence film. But I, yeah, I mean, I feel like, you know,
Eli (07:59.692)
Mm, yeah.
Eli (08:15.256)
Zachary Lee (08:21.061)
what's there more to say about it. But I think fundamentally why this stands out to me and why I wanted to pick it for this draft was it's getting to this idea about like fantasy and truth and the ways technology is used to like, you know, fulfill the desires that we want, but in ways that aren't always true. know, what it means, like, you know, that mix of like,
Eli (08:32.12)
Eli (08:40.172)
Zachary Lee (08:46.437)
fleshiness of humanity and like the cold, distant, robotic nature of the machines and the artificial intelligence that's present in this world. All that stuff just seems to like pair really well in some ways with the artificial intelligence film. There's a little less gun shooting in artificial intelligence, I'll say, than in The Matrix, you know, a little less, you know, but still a fun time.
Eli (08:54.733)
Eli (09:10.988)
Yeah, a little less. Yeah.
Zachary Lee (09:16.229)
but I'll start off with that one for my first pick here.
Eli (09:21.442)
Yeah, that's a great first pick. And I think you're probably going to affect with that pick my first pick. cause there's a movie that I just like, I'm not, I'm not sure if I've ever even seen the whole thing. I know I've seen a lot of it or if not most of it. but it's also been so long that I don't have a clear enough movie, a clear enough memory to like,
and good conscious pick it. Because it would be definitely like a crowd pleaser pick like the Matrix is. So I'm going to go with a secondary pick that I'm hoping will be a crowd pleaser pick. It's not my favorite on my. Yeah, it's not my favorite on my my list. Like the Matrix is like a 10 out of 10 movie for me personally. This is not quite to that level. And I like other movies on my list more. But I'm hoping.
Zachary Lee (09:53.529)
Yeah, that's fair.
Zachary Lee (09:59.524)
Zachary Lee (10:04.161)
Right, that like balances, yeah.
Zachary Lee (10:11.509)
for sure,
Eli (10:20.268)
that Blade Runner will, well, I'm hoping that Blade Runner will get some people's excited. Because I think it is like a really interesting exploration of, you know, artificial intelligence. And in this case, like, they're almost indistinguishable from humans. Like at a more, at a
Zachary Lee (10:22.419)
on my list too. Good, good for you.
Zachary Lee (10:29.871)
Eli (10:48.95)
at definitely a greater level than like David is in AI artificial intelligence. yeah, and yeah, I think there's two, there's some really powerful like moments of those questions, you know, both visually and like in the story with Harrison Ford and I'm forgetting like the main AI guy that he's like after for a while in the movie, but
Yeah. Sebastian. Is it Sebastian?
Zachary Lee (11:20.299)
I know right let me see I was literally
Eli (11:21.774)
I can't remember. It's been a while since I've seen this movie. Yeah.
Zachary Lee (11:25.669)
I know what you're, I was like thinking about that though. a tears in the rain monologue guy, right? I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hold up. This is gonna make me mad. I wanna look, I wanna solve this.
Eli (11:31.734)
Right, yeah. Yeah.
Eli (11:38.542)
All right, you solve it, but, but I'll just say, you know,
Zachary Lee (11:41.39)
Roy Bader, yeah, the character, yeah, yeah. Is it Rutger plays him or something? Yeah.
Eli (11:45.047)
Eli (11:49.174)
maybe, yeah, baddie. That is true. That is, that is who it is. Yeah. yeah, it's not Sebastian. It's baddie. but yeah, I mean, it's, it's great. It's visually like, it's, I almost wonder too, like now that I'm thinking about it, if like some of the influence on the design of AI artificial intelligence is kind of like based on this.
Zachary Lee (11:51.755)
Roy Batty, yes, that's right. That's right.
Eli (12:17.888)
especially when they get into like Rue City and stuff because this movie has such like great visual design too. So, but yeah, that's that was my first pick Blade Runner. Now it's up to you to are you going to keep making picking crowd pleasers or maybe go a different route now?
Zachary Lee (12:34.563)
I was gonna say, right? I will say, you know, this may be a proud plea, well, one, love that pic. I'm happy we're getting some bloods getting thrown in the water, because that was definitely, yes, I've heard good things. I like Philip K. Dick stuff generally, which he wrote that, right? I think, good runner.
Eli (12:44.588)
Yeah. The book is great too. Have you ever read the book?
Eli (12:51.478)
Mm-hmm. Yes, do Android's dream of electric sheep is the book, yeah.
Zachary Lee (12:56.259)
That's what it is. Yeah. Wait, I think I have read it then, but it's like a chapter in that, Or like, or maybe it is the whole book. Anyway, you're right.
Eli (13:04.896)
It's yeah, it's a different than the book, but same general concepts. Yeah.
Zachary Lee (13:10.597)
same idea. That's great, man. feel like you like you can make a whole other podcasts about reading books to pair with the movies or vice versa. If you got if listeners remember from last episode, Eli listening to Pinocchio. You can't ever discredit my man for not being prepared about going to the source material for these things. Do your best for my pit. You know, it's when I think
Eli (13:19.329)
Eli (13:24.088)
Ha ha ha. Ha ha.
Eli (13:30.445)
Eli (13:34.562)
do my best,
Zachary Lee (13:38.725)
Proud Pleaser, sort of, but in a different, more low-key way. And this might have something to do with when it was released and maybe just the different. But I'm gonna go with something that's more recent. I wanna say this was 2021 or 22, weird pandemic release date schedule, but this is Koganata's After Yang movie. Yeah, was that a pic you were thinking of or? Dang, no, I thought I was like steering clear.
Eli (14:03.628)
Yeah. It's like at the top of my list.
Zachary Lee (14:08.293)
No, well, well, I want to your thoughts on it. I will still give you a share. think, you know, it's funny for all the talk we've had about the bleakness, rightfully so, the sort of existential heavy questions that AI conversations have. think like, and this is something I've wrote about, written about before, but something that's made me think was like, I just love how
Eli (14:13.901)
Zachary Lee (14:33.957)
for the movie, it's like an AI movie that teaches you to like be more in touch with the earth and your surroundings and like practicing these postures of beholding and yeah, just beholding and wonder. mean, Eli, not to call you out, you are drinking tea right now. Tea plays a big role in this film. And just like.
Eli (14:55.776)
Yes. And a Werner Herzog documentary. Yeah.
Zachary Lee (15:00.389)
I was going to say pair that with it. I don't know if there's AI in the Herzog documentary, but I'd add it to my list here if I could. But you know, just that, I feel like the way, like I think it just presents such a hopeful and beautiful vision of AI, like the, AI can do to help. like these technologies when harnessed and used properly and what it has to say about connection and forming wonder.
Eli (15:05.89)
doubt it.
Eli (15:26.167)
Zachary Lee (15:28.665)
So I think this is like, I know people love this film, but like for me, I'm like, I want a happy pic on my list. So this is one of my happy pics, I think, but I don't know if you had one, yeah.
Eli (15:35.532)
Yeah. No, yeah, like I don't know. I get emotional just like thinking about there's this, there's this, I don't want to like spoil the movie because I'm, because this is one that I think is pretty underseen. unfortunately, so I'm glad you picked it. If you didn't, I was going to, but it is going to be on one of our lists. but yeah, it's, there's this moment where
Zachary Lee (15:49.167)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Zachary Lee (15:57.125)
You're gonna go to pick it? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Either way.
Eli (16:06.264)
So the AI is actually like, there's a lot of flashbacks to him in the movie, but it's mostly like the father of the AI he got to like help his daughter for reasons that you'll know when you watch the movie. But he is trying to like fix the, this AI guy named Yang. So it's after Yang. He's kind of broken.
Zachary Lee (16:31.683)
Yep, after Yang.
Eli (16:34.816)
And he kind of taps into a deeper memory bank. and like the concept is that the, these artificial intelligent beings like can save like how many seconds it's like 10 seconds of memory from each day. And he's like going into this Yang's memory and he's like basically watching his daughter grow up. And I'm just like,
Zachary Lee (16:40.261)
That's right.
Zachary Lee (16:52.939)
Yeah, I'm trying to look here. Yeah.
Eli (17:03.672)
When I watched the movie, I was just like sitting on my couch watching it like weeping. Probably as like my child was asleep in his bed, you know, like weeping and man. So yeah, great. Phenomenal movie.
Zachary Lee (17:07.711)
Zachary Lee (17:13.015)
Is this the...
Zachary Lee (17:20.709)
Yeah, which is something I didn't think about the parenting aspect as much and how that ties in with the AI artificial intelligence film too that you're talking about. So yeah, great, great point.
Eli (17:25.462)
Yeah, it's...
Eli (17:30.978)
Yeah. But yeah, after Yang, I wasn't sure. I had a feeling it might be on your list, but I was like, maybe I can wait on that one, but apparently not.
Zachary Lee (17:42.379)
Wait, no, you're good. It speaks to the strength of all the AI films that it made up on both of our lists. So listen, let's read it. Yes, I was going to say.
Eli (17:49.474)
yeah and it's kind of like a low it's this new like lo-fi sci-fi which i i love it's the design of it is like super like low key and but very distinct
Zachary Lee (18:01.117)
totally. Very nonchalant. And it's like in comparison to what you're seeing with like our previous picks, Blade Runner and Matrix, which is like big capital S, you know, sci-fi. Yeah. This is like, it's there, but you know, which, yeah.
Eli (18:08.846)
Yeah. Visual in your face. yeah. Yeah. So I'm going to go, I'm going to follow suit once again. I'm trying to like make a alternative alternate universe version of your list. I'm going to go, I'm going to go with an earlier lo-fi sci-fi movie and pick Spike Jones as her from 2013.
Zachary Lee (18:27.21)
yeah, yeah.
Zachary Lee (18:33.701)
yes. Great, yep.
Eli (18:37.694)
It's this is the movie. I think I mentioned I rewatched one movie leading up to this. And this is the one I rewatched because I hadn't seen it since theaters. I saw this movie at the theater in 2013 or actually maybe the beginning of 2014 because I think it didn't get its wide release until like January 14. But yeah, it's Joaquin Phoenix.
Zachary Lee (18:52.741)
Eli (19:06.528)
plays Theodore who's, you know, he's a, a writer for, he like works for this website that writes letters for people to loved ones. but he gets an update of his operating system and it's this AI voiced by Scarlett Johansson that he kind of starts falling in love with and,
Zachary Lee (19:15.802)
Eli (19:34.828)
I don't know, this movie is, it's the counterpart for After Yang in that it's like also a lo-fi sci-fi movie with like really great low-key design, but like not at all like After Yang in the sense that like there's this like deep sense of like loneliness pervasive, like that's pervasive in the movie. It's pretty like.
Zachary Lee (19:43.799)
Zachary Lee (19:57.093)
Eli (20:03.074)
devastating at points, like really sad. Yeah, you know, he's kind of this guy that's lost his relationship with his, you know, his ex and like the, hasn't signed the divorce papers yet, but and then he's kind of finding a rekindled connection with this AI and, but the AI kind of like advances really fast and
and it's intelligence and stuff. it's, I don't know, I don't really know how to explain this movie, but it's a movie that is just like really incredible. Spike Jonze almost doesn't miss, I don't think.
Zachary Lee (20:47.567)
Yeah, no. am, you know, it's funny, this is one of those ones where like I've heard so much about and still have not seen, but I've heard really good things. And I feel like what you're describing with like what it has to say about the connection and relationships, I guess I'm like a, if I'm understanding like romantic partner level, I guess too, or something, yeah.
Eli (20:54.344)
man. Yeah.
Eli (21:01.771)
and loneliness,
Eli (21:06.806)
Yeah, it's very much a movie about loneliness and our need for connection in a digital world. Our longing for connection in a digital world for sure. But yeah, yeah, her great movie, but now it's your turn to pick.
Zachary Lee (21:11.46)
Zachary Lee (21:27.257)
Yeah, I know. was like sorting through my letter box too because I was like, what are one? I'm no, it I if it wasn't one of my there were like so many others. I was like thinking about you. I was like that one was just I was just waiting.
Eli (21:32.31)
I'm still reeling from your after Yang pick to be honest.
Zachary Lee (21:48.997)
Yeah, I'm trying to see of other ones here that was standing out. That sort of kind of get at it. Okay, well, I'll get back to those later because I have my actual list here. What will I go for next? Maybe switching it up one that's more like, well, I don't even want to say that. I'm trying to think about the best way can describe this.
that's not super redundant. We'll go with, well actually you know what, I'll just go for it. I think this is 2012, going more synergy with your list and mine. Another Ridley Scott, we're going Prometheus. Which I guess, was that on your list or no? Yeah, I mean.
Eli (22:36.86)
Mmm. Yeah. I had it on my list. Mm-hmm.
Zachary Lee (22:45.453)
You could argue in some ways it's sequel Alien Covenant, which is still a programs. I was, that's why I was kind of torn. Like, do I do that or Alien Covenant? Like Covenant does feel like the, the culmination of a lot of what Scott was trying, the AI stuff. But I'm choosing Prometheus purposely because it ties to like the creation element and like how insignificant, like, you know,
Eli (22:52.899)
Eli (22:58.626)
the AI stuff, yeah.
Zachary Lee (23:10.659)
This idea, think David has this, Michael Fassbender plays the android artificial intelligence character in the film. And a lot of the snarkiness that he feels about being able to survive after human beings and like this, lot of that movie has to deal with creation and legacy. And what if we make something that not only will outlast us, but like won't wait for us to die, wants to like kill us now. Like that's kind of sad.
Eli (23:34.68)
destroy us. Yeah. Yes.
Zachary Lee (23:39.897)
very give me my birth right now sort of idea, you know, that was there. So I don't know. It just reminds you for all the films that try to nuance AI, they can just be mean sometimes and maybe we need some of that. So yeah, so Prometheus, yeah.
Eli (23:43.867)
Eli (23:52.768)
Yeah, evil. Yeah, I think it definitely like plays out more that theme in Alien Covenant. Yeah, probably a hot take, but I liked Alien Covenant a little more than Prometheus.
Zachary Lee (24:02.19)
Zachary Lee (24:07.173)
no, I I think I saw, we watched Covenant recently to prepare for Romulus and I think I'd agree with you. I think it's, yeah, I think that's a great, great pitch. I know some.
Eli (24:12.993)
Yeah, yeah, same.
Okay, I think we're on the minority there though. Based on the letterbox ratings and stuff.
Zachary Lee (24:27.915)
I know somewhere between the there's a loss in translation there, but I do. I do like it. Yeah. I'm happy. I'm happy. There's another alien covenant truth there. That's great. Yeah.
Eli (24:34.284)
Eli (24:38.998)
Yes, yeah I really I think I have it like a four star.
Zachary Lee (24:43.977)
yeah, well worth it, I'd say.
Eli (24:46.71)
Yeah, so you you got Prometheus. I'll probably just steer away from Alien Covenant then since you've already got it too similar too similar so
Zachary Lee (24:56.111)
Just a minute.
Eli (25:00.995)
This is tough. I'm going to pick a movie that I actually picked in a very recent draft. Just because it's I usually try to not pick, repick movies and drafts. And actually this might've even been like the last draft I did. I picked this movie for the science gone wrong, but I'm going to cause a lot of these can play into that theme too.
Zachary Lee (25:08.965)
Zachary Lee (25:15.3)
Sure, sure.
Zachary Lee (25:22.278)
sure sure a lot of comparisons of course
Eli (25:26.827)
but I'm gonna go with Alex Garland's movie Ex Machina
Zachary Lee (25:30.194)
On my list, was like, I great, great pick.
Eli (25:34.25)
it's just a phenomenal AI movie, like, a very, I don't want to say too much about it because I don't want to ruin like where it leads to, but there's, it definitely ends in a way where you're like, yeah, the, can be something that bites us.
Zachary Lee (25:45.582)
Zachary Lee (26:02.436)
should think
Eli (26:02.762)
if we let it go too far. incredible design for the movie, incredible acting. You've got in the lead roles, Dumbledore Gleason and Oscar Isaac. Yeah. Yeah. Really, really great. So.
Zachary Lee (26:23.341)
Yeah, features one of the best dance sequences put to film, I dare say, you know, so.
Eli (26:29.154)
Yeah. I, it, makes me sad about Alex Garland because like he put out two of like my favorite movies in, that decade, probably in Ex Machina and Annihilation. And the movies he's put out since are just kind of like, okay, did not that great.
Zachary Lee (26:42.702)
Zachary Lee (26:48.869)
Nothing. You're not a a men stan or a truther.
Eli (26:52.43)
I'm not. I didn't. didn't. Yeah. Visually, I think Min looks really great. But yeah, conceptually, I thought it was kind of, I don't know. This is not a yeah, it's not an Alex Garland show. So I'm not gonna go too much and go too deep into it other than I just didn't care for it a whole lot of time.
Zachary Lee (27:05.989)
Zachary Lee (27:11.011)
You're not gonna elaborate, no no, you're good.
Zachary Lee (27:20.837)
I think it's great. That was also my list. saw it for the first time this year. think when A24, we released it in theaters and IMAX. And it's another one of those like, dang, this was 10 years ago? Right? And like, it just feels like it was plopped out of the factory today. I mean, which we're sensing a theme here. It's just funny thing like.
Eli (27:28.053)
wow, yeah.
Eli (27:34.796)
Eli (27:40.738)
Zachary Lee (27:44.559)
how pervasive these themes are like throughout. Yeah, they might look different in how they manifest, know, but how they ultimately come out. well, good pick. Really like that one. I'm trying to think here.
Eli (27:46.518)
Yeah, they're very timeless ideas. Yeah.
Zachary Lee (28:07.435)
It's funny, maybe as like a counterpoint or rather a it's continuing the themes of what you're saying about isolation and attachment. Different direction. I actually let me look this up when this was released before I forget. OK, this was 2014. Actually another 2014 movie also featuring robots were going big hero 6 if you all have seen this one or heard it.
Eli (28:33.171)
Mmm. Yeah.
Zachary Lee (28:36.621)
Yeah, is this Disney or not? Or it is Disney. You know, I just remember loving this and I still love it. I haven't seen it since I rewatched it one other time in college. I mean, Baymax, very cute. mean, without saying too much, it's about set in like San Francisco, which is like, you know, San Francisco, Tokyo, this beautiful design, very cool action. And like, you know, one of the robots is basically like, well, I don't want to spoil it. Someone...
Eli (28:38.582)
It is. Yeah.
Eli (28:54.658)
Yeah, great design.
Zachary Lee (29:05.669)
close to this person dies and this robot's left behind. it like, I don't know, it like acts as a sort of therapy, but also companion sort of film. And I think like it's to what, I mean, it's to what you were sort of getting at with her, where I think like, it's just interesting to think about how we can get so attached to these machines and how it like is the main robot character in that movie does a really good job of simply listening, I think. And I think
Eli (29:34.776)
Zachary Lee (29:35.353)
That's just something as humans we really want to hear a lot of and maybe rarely get in our real relationship. So it's just another one of those movies where I'm like, yeah, like the need for AI underscores some of the desires that we maybe have or want that we think are being met there, even if it's imperfect. So that was just one that's always kind of stood out to me of like how it's considered and thought about connection and, you know, the importance there. But yeah, so Big Hero 6.
Eli (29:42.648)
Eli (29:53.218)
Eli (30:02.262)
Yeah, yeah, I feel like Big Hero 6 is like a underrated Disney movie. I've always loved it. Ever since I saw I saw it in theaters. My wife and I did this thing. actually started it in like 2019 maybe and we finished it just earlier this year. We did like a chronological watch through of all the Disney animated classics, which yeah.
Zachary Lee (30:09.109)
I know, right? I love that one. Yeah.
Zachary Lee (30:29.753)
You did? that's great.
Eli (30:31.404)
which there's 62 of as of this moment. When Moana 2 comes out, that'll be 63. So yeah, that's why it took us like years to do it because my wife doesn't watch as many movies as I do. But yeah, Big Hero 6, we made a rankings list as we watched and Big Hero 6 was number five on my list of that's how much I love it. So yeah.
Zachary Lee (30:34.515)
gosh, okay, so there's a lot.
Zachary Lee (30:39.181)
Whoa, okay.
Zachary Lee (30:46.113)
Yeah. Hey.
Zachary Lee (30:53.401)
Whoa, that's high praise for all the fact that you've gone through them. So yeah, that's good. I'm happy to hear it resonates there. Yeah.
Eli (31:00.118)
Yeah. so yeah, so you got your animated movie. I'm going to go in, on the, to the other side of Disney and the Pixar route. And I'm going to pick WALL-E cause you've got to, you've got to have WALL-E. WALL-E, mean, great movie about robots falling in love.
Zachary Lee (31:11.331)
Yeah. Yes. Beautiful.
You got to. yeah.
Eli (31:29.602)
but also like taps into like the problem of like what happens if we just like continually advance technology to make our lives easier. And is that actually like beneficial to us to like, where's the line of like where you actually start regressing as a human if you like make your life too easy. Cause I mean you get to
Zachary Lee (31:45.295)
Zachary Lee (31:57.154)
Eli (31:59.774)
stuff on the ship and you're like these aren't really even people anymore you know so yeah yeah definitely like a fun interesting it's it's just such a different movie to be like a pixar movie even like amongst all the other pixar movies that still like stands out as very unique and just
everything about it really.
Zachary Lee (32:31.05)
yeah, I mean it's an iconic and classic movie.
Eli (32:34.659)
Eli (32:38.424)
Yeah, so once again, I'm kind of mirroring your pick with mine, but...
Zachary Lee (32:42.423)
I love it. It's great. I, yeah, that's one man. I it's I'm happy you it up. Cause I've been like when I was making the list while it was on there I'm like, I need to rewatch that, but I have it. So,
Eli (32:53.772)
Yeah, I do too. We're actually doing, when we finished our Disney one, we were like, well, I guess we should do the same thing with Pixar. So we are doing the same deal with Pixar, but we haven't made it to WALL-E yet. So yeah, we just watched Ratatouille.
Zachary Lee (33:06.969)
Yeah, okay. I'm looking forward to seeing your letterbox log. See, bangers, back to back. We love to see it.
Eli (33:15.17)
Yeah, so I think Wally is coming up though in our rewatch. So yeah, it'll be it's probably next because it's right at two is 07 and Wally's 08. So that might be next on our list.
Zachary Lee (33:19.363)
Yeah, just to be there.
Zachary Lee (33:29.068)
what is...
Eli (33:32.526)
All right, this is your last pick.
Zachary Lee (33:34.394)
I know, man, I was debating, because I'm like, there's a couple, was like, maybe go with a decent, there's still a lot, which I'm sure we can get to honorable mentions, but for the sake of maybe using a spot to highlight something that maybe isn't probably still well known, but not as like, what is it? Like a top of mind, maybe when people think about it. Did you ever see director Layne Whannell's upgrade? This was 2018.
Eli (33:38.272)
Eli (34:01.27)
No, no, I never saw that.
Zachary Lee (34:02.245)
Yeah. Great film. So once again, saw just this year, it stars Logan Marshall Green. Yes, that's right. And it's it's one of those like three million dollar budget films. I'm looking at the Wikipedia here. If this means it does, this does not mean anything to me, but it's like one part, the six million dollar man, one part death wish revenge fantasy. I don't know what that means, but
It's, I don't know, it's like, one of those like where it's like, it's basically quick premise that's swelling this guy, family gets murdered. He imprints, imprints himself, implants this experimental AI technology to basically go rogue and get revenge. And I think a lot of it, it's what we were talking about from our private prior conversation about,
how we are inefficient cyborgs and how we use our phones all the time. I think a lot of it, mean, timeless themes, of course, about like, is this technology that we're giving ourselves over to really good? But I think it's also, it's one of those movies where it's like, for those who are without certain means, those, they'll probably be the first to get exploited by this technology because it offers a quick fix. So there's like a little element of like,
Eli (35:01.933)
Eli (35:20.483)
Zachary Lee (35:24.953)
the classism exploration with this film that it stands out to me. it, you know, I've known No Lay, but I'm sure if I talk with him, he can be like, nah, man, I just decided to make a cool John Wick, you know, John Wick sci-fi movie, because then kills are pretty gnarly. So it could just be that, or it could be this larger meditation about class and AI. I'll stick with upgrade from Lay Winnell. Yeah.
Eli (35:28.397)
Eli (35:40.75)
Eli (35:45.219)
Eli (35:52.832)
It can be both. know, it can be both. yeah, that's great. I, yeah, I haven't seen that. I've seen his, the invisible man, which I loved. I, I am when I saw he was doing a Wolfman, I'm like, Ooh, is he going to do like, like modern versions of all of like the monster movies? Cause that would be great.
Zachary Lee (35:55.299)
Yeah. Well, I'll go with upgrade 2018. Yeah.
Zachary Lee (36:06.819)
Yep, great, yep. So good. You excited for Wolfman coming out too? Yeah.
Zachary Lee (36:20.513)
Eli (36:22.272)
If he if it's as good as the invisible man, which I think more people need to see because Elizabeth Moss is incredible.
Zachary Lee (36:24.739)
Totally. I'm happy. So happy you brought that film up. It's such a good, such a good movie. Yeah.
Eli (36:34.228)
yeah it's never it might not be spooky season anymore you know it definitely isn't by the time you're listening to this episode but it's we're just one day one day removed from it as we're recording but it's never too late for a good horror flick man my last pick there's a lot of directions i can go
Zachary Lee (36:39.139)
for sure. From Halloween, yeah.
Zachary Lee (36:50.597)
Zachary Lee (36:56.696)
Yeah, yeah.
Eli (37:01.868)
You know what I said earlier, I wasn't going to pick this because it's been so long. My memory is like shoddy on this movie, but I just know from what I do remember how great of a movie this is. And you know, I also want to win the draft. So I'm going to just go ahead and pick Terminator 2, Judgment Day.
Zachary Lee (37:21.039)
That's right.
Zachary Lee (37:27.905)
Of course, right on their list,
Eli (37:31.884)
Because who doesn't love Arnold Schwarzenegger playing an indestructible robot that's just trying to save humanity from destruction?
Zachary Lee (37:47.607)
What no it truly it's like what what else is there to do what's there to dislike you know It's there's a reason why that's the standard for sequels in so many ways
Eli (37:53.73)
Eli (37:59.416)
Yeah, and it's it is interesting, you know to kind of have the switch up of in this one like he's the good guy And it's you know, you have all the Skynet stuff that's like super interesting, you know, I think you heard talking about like not Smashing your computer when it doesn't work just in case like it's gonna upset Skynet, you know So, you know it plays into a lot of the themes that we've
Zachary Lee (38:23.203)
yeah, so much there.
Eli (38:31.682)
already talked about, but also like just a really great action flick. yeah, one of the best, I can't remember if it came up when we did it. I did a car chase draft, with, with Dave Lester and he, I can't remember if one of us picked the chase sequence in this movie in T2.
Zachary Lee (38:33.356)
Zachary Lee (38:37.827)
Yeah, stay on the good side of technology.
Eli (39:00.13)
But it's got that great chase scene too with the motorcycle and the semi truck. man.
Zachary Lee (39:02.639)
So good.
Did I'm curious, did you know? this is something my dad was telling me where it's like when he was watching it, apparently like the first thing like no one knew that twist that Arnold's like the theater went crazy when you know, like, because you think, of course, Arnold's about to kill the kid and like, wait, but he's the hero and the police guy is the best. So like, I'm curious. I mean, so I knew I still loved it, even though I knew like, he's the good guy. But I don't know for you. Okay.
Eli (39:19.127)
Eli (39:30.254)
Yeah. Yeah, I kind of did too. Yeah, so
Zachary Lee (39:35.831)
if what's able to be preserved from those moments.
Eli (39:38.636)
Yeah, yeah, I probably probably won't ever experience it and love it in that state in that way, you know but yeah, there's similar things that like i'm trying to preserve for my kids like like like the like darth vader being luke's father like I have a shirt with darth vader that my son got me for like a birthday or father's day that says I am your father so i'm like I don't want him to
Zachary Lee (39:45.411)
Zachary Lee (39:50.647)
I was gonna say, yeah, yeah.
Eli (40:08.374)
like sometimes I like don't wear that shirt because I'm like I don't want my son to ask me why it says that because I want to I don't want to ruin that twist for him yeah I'll just say you'll find out one day probably I told him when he turned six which will be in February that he has to watch Star Wars so I feel like that's a good age for it yeah
Zachary Lee (40:14.339)
That's so funny. I know, right? You're like, it doesn't say that. It means something else. Yeah.
You'll find out one day, exactly.
Zachary Lee (40:30.99)
that's great. That's a beautiful, beautiful way to introduce it to you. That's great.
Eli (40:38.382)
Yeah, yeah, that's our picks before we read them back. Do you have any just honorable mentions that you want to make sure you get shout shout outs? Obviously, AI, artificial intelligence and 2001, a space Odyssey are there. I should have one of us maybe should have taken 2001, but since we didn't, I'm just going to make it like it's going to be the AI and 2001 like.
Zachary Lee (40:49.64)
it's a... I was gonna say... I was gonna say...
Zachary Lee (41:05.957)
2001 I think that's I think that's fair. It's one of those where I'm like, it's just there and I'm like, there's other picks.
Eli (41:07.126)
memorial draft since it's Yeah, they're tied together since you know Kubrick May like planned out AI he made 2001 so they're they're tied together in that way
Zachary Lee (41:20.775)
yeah, cinematic siblings, we always love to see it. Yeah, think it's, mean, one, feel like we did, well, I guess we did talk about the Alien franchise tangentially. I would say Robocop was one that was thinking about, I think I saw that for the first time last year, you know, in similar ways to upgrade the flesh.
Eli (41:26.05)
But yeah, any other honorable mentions you want to shout out?
Eli (41:38.147)
Zachary Lee (41:48.879)
technology, steel, sort of all connections that are there. I really, you know, this is a more recent one, but actually it's funny. Now that I've seen AI, I'm like, I wonder how much that worked in Wild Robot, which is the movie. you don't know if you've seen that one, but yeah, which I thought was great. I mean, I don't think I'm as high on it as some people are, like all the, but like motherhood, you know.
Eli (41:49.944)
Eli (42:05.676)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Eli (42:12.95)
I'm not quite either, honestly.
Zachary Lee (42:16.569)
there's robot stuff in there and like learning to move past your programming. I think all of that was sort of very much there. Yeah.
Eli (42:20.653)
Eli (42:24.312)
Yeah, I actually read that. I read the book to my son. We will read like chapter books out loud to him. And so we read that. Usually I'll read it like to him while he's playing in the tub after I give him a bath. So we read the Wild Robot and then went and saw it, the movie together. So, yeah, he loved it. And I think it's.
Zachary Lee (42:28.889)
You did.
Zachary Lee (42:38.756)
Zachary Lee (42:43.797)
what did he like it or?
Eli (42:50.156)
I think he loves when he can read a book and then watch the movie of the book he read. Yeah. So, so he loved it. He, if you ask him what his favorite book is, he'll usually say the wild robot. and so we got him, there's actually a series, there's like two more wild robot books. So we got him the other two for Christmas. So yeah, but yeah, I, I,
Zachary Lee (42:54.979)
Zachary Lee (43:06.233)
That's great.
Zachary Lee (43:14.096)
that's nice. Yeah.
Eli (43:17.022)
Actually like in the book I actually like teared up at a couple points yeah, and Yeah, I haven't read the second the second and third so but the first one was really great. It's like very Short chapters. There's like 80 chapters, but they're all like anywhere from like one to five pages so very digestible kids book, but
Zachary Lee (43:20.919)
Wait, really? man, I have to read these! That's so good. I didn't know it was a series either. That's really cool.
Zachary Lee (43:40.354)
Okay, that's great.
Eli (43:45.408)
yeah i thought the movie was good i felt like it didn't quite it was trying to do a little bit more than the book was doing the book i feel like is way more straightforward simple and the movie is trying to do a little bit more but yeah still i still did like it i thought about two i thought about the iron giant but i was like i don't know if he's ai
Zachary Lee (44:09.357)
Eli (44:13.73)
Similar to like Transformers like Transformers aren't technically AI. They're actually like Just mechanical beings They that are Supposedly like have souls or something maybe from what I can understand
Zachary Lee (44:23.513)
That's true, right? I was thinking about that. Well, I don't know if you were able to see.
Zachary Lee (44:32.845)
I don't know if you're able to see Transformers 1 at all, but like that was a great film.
Eli (44:37.14)
haven't seen it yet I do plan on watching it though whenever it comes to streaming or something yeah so I thought about the iron giant but I was like I don't know if that qualifies because he's not really man-made he like he like comes from space so for all we know he might be just a intelligent robot metal being you know
Zachary Lee (44:43.151)
Yes, amazing, but...
Zachary Lee (44:52.605)
that's an interesting point. like the. Yeah.
Zachary Lee (45:04.215)
Yeah, that maybe like the very the very end when he puts himself back together or something. I don't know. Yeah, the last sliver second is like an AI movie.
Eli (45:06.822)
Eli (45:10.71)
Yeah, yeah.
Eli (45:16.047)
for sure another one that a couple of more animated ones one is more like family-friendly and Mitchell's it versus the machines was a fun one yeah but yeah it's it's not really that interested in like the ideas around AI so I didn't really pick it but it does have like these AI take this AI robot takeover
Zachary Lee (45:28.537)
That, what a great film. I'm so happy you brought that up. That's great.
Eli (45:45.218)
that kind of is more of like a plot device than like interested in exploring those ideas. But an animated movie that is not family friendly that's interested in those ideas is Ghost in the Shell. Yeah. And then I would be remiss if I did not shout out the movie I, Robot, which is a PG-13 movie that I went
Zachary Lee (45:51.009)
Mm-hmm. That's true. That's a good point
Zachary Lee (45:59.482)
yes, that's right, another classic that I haven't...
Zachary Lee (46:11.203)
Of course.
Eli (46:14.702)
to see with my dad shortly after I turned 13. great! you're 13 years old and you get to see Will Smith fight robots, like come on!
Zachary Lee (46:22.959)
How was that experience for your first BDD?
Zachary Lee (46:33.103)
That was me, but like seeing my first R-rated movie was Neil Blomkamp's Elysium, which like I had not seen District 9. Elysium is the only R-rated movie. So if that was like my personality for the longest time was Matt Damon shooting robots. But yeah.
Eli (46:38.59)
Okay. Yeah.
Eli (46:45.004)
Eli (46:48.494)
Speaking of Blancamp, I didn't hate Chappie. A lot of people hated Chappie. I like Chappie fine. It's an AI movie. It's... yeah.
Zachary Lee (46:53.843)
that's right, Chappie could have been on there. Yeah, yeah. I haven't seen it, but I forget it has Dev Patel and Hugh Jack, but then I'm like, need, and Charter Copley, course, as long
Eli (47:03.287)
Yes. Yeah, I liked Chappy fine. I think people were too harsh on it. It's not like it's just I have a lot of movies that I think are just like good fun movies that I have like three and a half stars, seven out of 10. And I think that people just like, I don't know, they ripped that one apart. One more I'll mention. We obviously like have
the other Matrix movies and the first Terminator movies and all the Terminator movies. But another movie that is probably less known that I wanted to shout out was a movie that if you look it up, it's a 20 says 2022, but it actually like released last year. But it's the Artifice Girl.
Zachary Lee (47:40.921)
Zachary Lee (47:55.3)
Zachary Lee (47:59.533)
You know, I really want to see that, but I haven't seen it. Yeah. It is good. Okay. Your comment.
Eli (48:02.324)
It is really, really good. Yes, I really, really enjoyed it. Very interesting premise. The premise is basically this this guy has been anonymous anonymously turning in sex like online sex offenders like child sex offenders and gets recruited by this government agency and only to find out that he's been he's developed this AI.
Zachary Lee (48:31.972)
Eli (48:32.44)
that joins video chats with sex offenders to catch them in the act and the AI is like a little girl. But it's CGI'd, looks real and intelligent AI to interact with people. And obviously it progresses to where
Zachary Lee (48:44.011)
Hmm, interesting.
Zachary Lee (48:56.517)
Eli (49:00.248)
she kind of starts to have like her own ideas and that sort of thing and really fascinating movie yeah highly highly recommend the artifice girl it's on right now I don't know if it will be by the time this episode releases but currently it's on Tubi so you could watch it with ads for free so yes yes yeah all he
Zachary Lee (49:12.013)
I need to see this.
Zachary Lee (49:17.699)
Yeah. that's great. And it has Lance Erickson? I'm sold. I'll do that.
Eli (49:29.484)
He comes into play in the third act, yeah.
Zachary Lee (49:33.623)
Okay, that's great. All right, I'll watch that. I'm happy you brought that one up. I had forgotten about it, but I didn't see it.
Eli (49:40.962)
Yeah. But yeah, that's. There's a lot of great AI movies. There's there's more, but we'll leave it at that.
Zachary Lee (49:50.593)
No, no, it's those were great. It was making me think about I mean, I it's just funny to think about like all of Ridley Scott or like the alien franchise and like the server I mean there was the creator if you saw that one from last year John David Washington Yeah
Eli (50:03.725)
Eli (50:10.138)
Yes, I forgot to put that on my list, but it's one of those, I think I was talking about it when I recorded the Jurassic Park episode because he's supposed to, we were talking about like the whole franchise for, when I did the Lost World episode. We were talking about the franchise and Jurassic World and he's supposed to direct the next Jurassic World movie.
Zachary Lee (50:24.356)
Zachary Lee (50:30.201)
Zachary Lee (50:38.341)
I didn't think about that. I realized that, yeah.
Eli (50:40.534)
Yeah. So my opinion of him is that like, he needs to direct a movie, but get someone else to write the story. Cause the creator is like incredibly visually, but the story is just like, it's well acted, but the story is just lacking. Yeah.
Zachary Lee (50:54.639)
Zachary Lee (50:59.109)
is just not it yeah that's kind of how i was thinking too yeah that's fair i guess the recent chuckie movie you could say is the 2018 one child's play i think this one megan yeah
Eli (51:10.387)
What is the there's yeah, there's also the Megan with the three I Haven't seen that I haven't seen either of those so
Zachary Lee (51:21.603)
Yeah, I've seen Megan, which was fun, but like, yeah, for the memes, always nice. But yeah.
Eli (51:24.354)
Yeah. Yeah. yeah, let me read back our drafts. so Zachary ended up with the matrix after Yang, Prometheus, big hero six and upgrade. And I ended up with blade runner, her ex Machina Wally and Terminator two judgment day. So
I'm hoping T2 will get me this win. Tip the scales. I kind of book ended my draft with two big ones. all the lesser known. WALL-E might, it'll be interesting. Sometimes the animated movies are what really like tip the scales. So Big Hero 6 versus WALL-E.
Zachary Lee (51:56.677)
We'll tip the scales, yeah.
Zachary Lee (52:01.903)
heavy hitters, you know?
Zachary Lee (52:10.405)
Zachary Lee (52:19.589)
Right? know it's like we have a lot of, I was going to say is a matchups there. Matrix versus Blade Runner, you know.
Eli (52:25.56)
Cause you have like, like film people love WALL-E, but, but like a lot of people also like that aren't like big film people just thought it was boring. So you never know, but it still hurts my heart that I didn't get after Yang. So even if like I win this draft, there's a, there'll be a piece of me that feels like a, like I still lost cause I didn't get after Yang.
Zachary Lee (52:38.078)
You never know what you're get.
Zachary Lee (52:44.086)
After you.
Zachary Lee (52:52.895)
As during You know, you're good. Hey, you'll have to Dedicate I'm sure I mean what coconut is done and you could do a coke. mean he has a film I think that's good. Yeah, I think coconut I has a film coming out next year So for what it's worth in terms of a retrospect, yeah
Eli (52:57.022)
Ha ha ha ha.
Eli (53:04.27)
Columbus is great.
I'll watch anything he makes. His design and composition is just like incredible. Columbus is a fantastic movie too. yeah, you've got to watch it. It's phenomenal. Those are really his only two movies. He has some shorts. He has like a lot of like video essays on movies. That's kind of how he got started. Was making video.
Zachary Lee (53:20.397)
Columbus is one of those I haven't seen that I need to watch but yeah
Zachary Lee (53:36.557)
Yeah, those are the ones I've heard. Yeah.
Eli (53:42.516)
essays about films and stuff but yeah those are his only two movies Columbus and After Yang it's only two features
Zachary Lee (53:48.421)
Eli (53:53.144)
But yeah, that's our draft. The listeners will decide who won. It'll be in the future, but not so distant future as a lot of these movies are. But yeah, so that's really, that's it. The people will decide. It was a fun draft. I enjoyed it. But yeah, thanks Zachary for coming on. Why don't you...
Zachary Lee (53:59.194)
Zachary Lee (54:07.545)
And as always.
Zachary Lee (54:16.121)
No, yes.
I'm happy.
Eli (54:22.414)
I think I forgot to do this on the last episode, but why don't you tell people where they can find you? And maybe I'll tack on your answer here onto the end of that episode too.
Zachary Lee (54:30.285)
Yeah, no.
Until the end. No, you're good. Well, it's always fun to be on here. So thank you. I really had a really good time and lots to think about. Yeah, on most of my writing you can find, I usually share it out on Twitter or X. There's less reasons to be on there by the day, but I'm fortunately still on the sinking ship. It's at Zacharoni22 and then Letterboxd also posts reviews and thoughts on there.
Eli (54:48.962)
Eli (54:53.24)
Ha ha.
Ha ha.
Zachary Lee (55:03.286)
Which you can find me there on zlee729. So yeah, those are great.
Eli (55:07.918)
Okay, yeah. And I'll make sure to put links in the episode description so people can find you easy. Easy.
Zachary Lee (55:14.277)
no, it's great. Yeah, I just just renewed the the patron for letterboxed I think so we're where it's just it's still a thing. I'm like, that's my that's how I'll gauge my seriousness to film is like, is it is am I going to keep doing that? And I'm like, I think so. I'll go for it. So yeah, or pro, you know. No, it's
Eli (55:20.395)
Eli (55:27.725)
Eli (55:32.94)
Yeah, you're you're better than me. I'm only a pro, you know, I'm not a patron just a pro
Zachary Lee (55:38.497)
I will say, I think with the Patreon, I was able to get on it because they had like the Black Friday deal or whatever. I think like it was honestly, no, that's how they get you because I'm like, yeah. And then it comes around and I'm like, well, I've had a whole year really liking it. Like maybe I'll just keep it up. And I'm like, they get it.
Eli (55:43.624)
okay. I'm gonna be on the lookout for that then.
Eli (55:53.289)
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Eli (55:58.018)
Yeah, there are some features that are on the patron that I really like that aren't on the pro. So yeah, but yeah, I'll make sure to put those links in the description so people can find you. but other than that, that's all we have for this week. We're going to be hitting jumping into minority report next week. So continuing the Spielberg, excitement and sci-fi fair, with that and Tom Cruise.
Zachary Lee (56:15.715)
Zachary Lee (56:19.364)
Eli (56:28.278)
So looking forward to that. It's another blind spot for me. So get to fill in another blind spot. yeah, that's all for this week. Look forward to jumping into that next week. But for now, I've been Eli Price for Zachary Lee. You've been listening to The Establishing Shot. We'll see you next time.
Zachary Lee (56:28.451)
Freelance Journalist
Zachary Lee is a freelance writer covering the intersection between faith and media. With his spare time, he happily evangelizes about and logs films on Letterboxd, collects and poses action figures, and often writes down the funny and/or profound quotations the people around him say (that they’ve probably forgotten about).
Favorite Director(s):
Damien Chazelle, James Wan, Luca Guadagnino, Sofia Coppola, Ava DuVernay
Guilty Pleasure Movie:
Transformers: Dark of the Moon