Christopher Nolan Episodes

Dec. 1, 2023

Christopher Nolan: An Epilogue

Christopher Nolan’s career is a fairly unique! He has made some huge movies (in scale, budget, and box office revenue) that smuggle in his personal obsessions and interests in intriguing ways. Nolan has truly come to define b...

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Nov. 17, 2023

Tenet (w/ Andrew Fossier)

Tenet is, in many ways, the culmination of Nolan’s career up this point. It is a huge budget genre movie with a sci-fi twist, and really feels like something only he could pull off. With action sequences unlike anything else ...

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Nov. 10, 2023

Dunkirk (w/ Kara Smith)

Dunkirk is the culmination of so many techniques and filmmaking obsessions that Christopher Nolan had developed up to this point in his career. We discuss its unrelenting pace, the incredible work done to bring this film into...

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Nov. 3, 2023

Interstellar (w/ Sam Camp)

Interstellar manages to be Christopher Nolan’s most expansive film yet while simultaneously being his most sentimental. We discuss the incredible work done making this film as well as why this film feels like Nolan’s most emo...

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Oct. 27, 2023

The Dark Knight Rises (w/ Zachary Lee)

The Dark Knight Rises was an ambitious end to Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy. Its epic scale feels like the natural target of the trajectory that this trilogy and Nolan’s career overall had been taking. Our discussion spa...

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Oct. 20, 2023

Inception (w/ Elijah Davidson)

A BIG episode for a BIG movie! Christopher Nolan’s Inception feels like a lifetime achievement in many ways. Its inception as an idea goes back to his childhood, and here we see the culmination of his visual, conceptual, and ...

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Oct. 13, 2023

The Dark Knight (w/ Houston Dragna)

Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight is arguably his most notable film to date, changing not just superhero movies but the film industry in general. His grounded approach to the comic book world, Ledger’s iconic performance, a...

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Oct. 6, 2023

The Prestige (w/ Jacob Phillips)

In our discussion about Christopher Nolan’s The Prestige, we marvel at the cinematic sleight of hand that Nolan brings with his technical and plot precision. He stretches his budget to its extremes with an incredible cast, ph...

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Sept. 29, 2023

Batman Begins (w/ Drew Felts)

In our discussion about Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins, we dig into what he brought to this beloved franchise that changed superhero films. Working with a huge budget and his detailed mind, Nolan reimagined the world of Ba...

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Sept. 22, 2023

Insomnia (w/ Dave Lester)

In our discussion about Christopher Nolan’s first studio feature, Insomnia, we examine why this feels like his forgotten film. Somehow with Insomnia’s studio budget, star-studded cast, adapted script, and its fairly standard ...

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Sept. 15, 2023

Memento (w/ Philip Marinello)

Our discussion of Christopher Nolan’s sophomore film, Memento, praises the unique experience that he brought us in his budding career. Memento’s backwards structure, iconic design, and great performances put Nolan on the map ...

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Sept. 8, 2023

Following (w/ Haydn Fabre)

This week we discuss Christopher Nolan’s debut feature film, Following. With virtually no budget and borrowed equipment, Nolan was able to make an interesting twist on noir that already displayed his personal flair. In our mo...

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Sept. 1, 2023

Christopher Nolan: An Overview (w/ Jean-Pierre Boudreaux)

This week we kick off our Christopher Nolan series by discussing his career as a whole. This episode will act as an establishing shot for the rest of the series, cluing us in to techniques and themes to look for as we watch t...

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