Hi! I’m Christiaan. I love stories—it doesn’t matter how they’re told. The way they transport you to a different world and allow you to experience something that would never exist is so cool. I find the ways a story or character can inspire, encourage, or even convict us fascinating. One of the reasons I love movies is because there are so many different stories being told and seeing how they all come together (or not in some cases) makes the whole experience of a movie something that is hard to replicate. I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to work behind the camera, be in the writers' room, and even make a few guest appearances in some indie and festival films and the insight I gained from there has been invaluable in giving me a unique perspective I love to share with others. It’s one of the reasons I started DancingFox.Studio and why I was so honored to have the opportunity to share with you all my love for stories and movies on the Establishing Shot Podcast!
I have my M.Div in Christian Education and want to eventually get my Ph.D. in something involving philosophy, theology, and pop-culture.
Favorite Director(s):
Darren Aronofsky, M. Night Shyamalan, Steven Spielberg
Guilty Pleasure Movie:
Jupiter Ascending
Sometimes science goes all wrong, and sometimes that happens in movies! This week we do a draft of our favorite movies where some sort of scientific endeavor goes all wrong, whether technological, biological, or sometimes bot...
In 1993, Steven Spielberg once again awed audiences by giving them something they had never seen so real before on the big screen: dinosaurs. With Jurassic Park, he started what would turn out to be one of the greatest movie …
It is movie draft time! This week we celebrate the completion of the original Indiana Jones trilogy on the show by doing a draft of movie trilogies! Guest Christiaan Funkhouser and I take turns choosing 7 of our favorite film...
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, seemingly the last of a trilogy of adventure collaborations between Steven Spielberg and George Lucas at the time, came in the middle of a bit of a career shift for Spielberg. You can see …