Christiaan Funkhouser

Christiaan Funkhouser Profile Photo


Hi! I’m Christiaan. I love stories—it doesn’t matter how they’re told. The way they transport you to a different world and allow you to experience something that would never exist is so cool. I find the ways a story or character can inspire, encourage, or even convict us fascinating. One of the reasons I love movies is because there are so many different stories being told and seeing how they all come together (or not in some cases) makes the whole experience of a movie something that is hard to replicate. I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to work behind the camera, be in the writers' room, and even make a few guest appearances in some indie and festival films and the insight I gained from there has been invaluable in giving me a unique perspective I love to share with others. It’s one of the reasons I started DancingFox.Studio and why I was so honored to have the opportunity to share with you all my love for stories and movies on the Establishing Shot Podcast!
I have my M.Div in Christian Education and want to eventually get my Ph.D. in something involving philosophy, theology, and pop-culture.

Favorite Director(s):
Darren Aronofsky, M. Night Shyamalan, Steven Spielberg

Guilty Pleasure Movie:
Jupiter Ascending

Oct. 11, 2024

Science Gone Wrong Movie Draft (w/ Christiaan Funkhouser)

Sometimes science goes all wrong, and sometimes that happens in movies! This week we do a draft of our favorite movies where some sort of scientific endeavor goes all wrong, whether technological, biological, or sometimes bot...

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Oct. 4, 2024

Jurassic Park (w/ Christiaan Funkhouser)

In 1993, Steven Spielberg once again awed audiences by giving them something they had never seen so real before on the big screen: dinosaurs. With Jurassic Park, he started what would turn out to be one of the greatest movie …

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Aug. 16, 2024

Movie Trilogies Draft (w/ Christiaan Funkhouser)

It is movie draft time! This week we celebrate the completion of the original Indiana Jones trilogy on the show by doing a draft of movie trilogies! Guest Christiaan Funkhouser and I take turns choosing 7 of our favorite film...

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Aug. 9, 2024

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (w/ Christiaan Funkhouser)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, seemingly the last of a trilogy of adventure collaborations between Steven Spielberg and George Lucas at the time, came in the middle of a bit of a career shift for Spielberg. You can see …

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