Elijah Davidson

Elijah Davidson Profile Photo


Elijah Davidson is a writer living in California. He is the author and editor of many books on faith and film. Since 2011, he has co-directed Fuller Theological Seminary’s Brehm Film initiative. He graduated from Fuller Seminary in 2014 with a Master's of Arts in Intercultural Studies, focusing on American popular culture, theology, and the arts. He is a husband and a father. If he is not writing or working, he is most likely camping, weather-permitting or not.

Favorite Director(s):
Terrence Malick, Kelly Reichardt, Martin Scorsese, Hayao Miyazaki, Kenji Mizoguchi

Guilty Pleasure Movie:
I don't think we should ever feel guilty about our pleasures; also, anything directed by Paul Verhoeven

June 21, 2024

Writing About Film (Interview w/ Elijah Davidson)

This week, I interviewed Elijah Davidson, Chief Critic and Managing Editor of Brehm Film, to pick his brain about writing about film. What is the process of writing books and articles about films? How do you choose which book...

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June 14, 2024

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (w/ Elijah Davidson)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is a film in a beloved franchise that actually carries a heavy burden with it for its filmmakers Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. In this episode I am joined by Elijah Davidson of …

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Oct. 20, 2023

Inception (w/ Elijah Davidson)

A BIG episode for a BIG movie! Christopher Nolan’s Inception feels like a lifetime achievement in many ways. Its inception as an idea goes back to his childhood, and here we see the culmination of his visual, conceptual, and ...

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