Sometimes critics or the general public get a movie wrong! This week, we let you know which movies deserve reconsideration or a revisit with our Top 5 Underrated Movies. These are movies that were critical flops or just consi...
A few years after the most successful year of his entire career, Spielberg released what he called his first true sequel in The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Our discussion revolves around the fun elements of this film and it’s ...
Christian Bale had his big debut for most people in Spielberg’s Empire of the Sun, which we discussed last week. This week, we accompany that discussion with a movie draft of Christian Bale performances. We take turns choosin...
Empire of the Sun is a forgotten gem in Steven Spielberg’s filmography, which is fitting since its setting is sort of a forgotten perspective on WWII. This is a bit of a hybrid for Spielberg in that it marries his …
This week we kick off our Christopher Nolan series by discussing his career as a whole. This episode will act as an establishing shot for the rest of the series, cluing us in to techniques and themes to look for …
This week we discuss The Grand Budapest Hotel, Wes Anderson’s most successful film to date. It doesn’t get much better than Ralph Fiennes concierge-ing his way into our hearts. In our movie news section, we discuss whether we...
This week we discuss The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, which might be the most quintessential example of the Wes Anderson aesthetic. With the cutaway, dollhouse boat, a phenomenal cast, and stop-motion sea creatures this is...