Sept. 13, 2024

Movie Decades Draft (Rerun w/ Jacob Phillips)

Which movie decades are the best? We are doing a rerun of our very first movie draft from our first episode this week! In this first movie draft, we took turns taking movie decades, trying to amass the best group of decades. This endeavor made for some good discussion, and it is great to have it as a standalone episode now. You can decide who got the best group of 4 decades! 

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Jacob Phillips

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Eli (00:01.858)
Hello and welcome to the establishing shot a podcast where we do deep dives into directors and their filmography's I am your host Eli price and I am excited to have us

Eli (00:25.87)
Hello and welcome to the establishing shot a podcast where we do deep dives into directors and their filmography's I am your host Eli price and We are starting episode 61 today It is a bit of a new kind of episode for us. I have kind of a I guess you would say a backlog of potential rerun episodes that

I'll be using, in the future, this being the first of those. I used to do the way I used to do the podcast is we would do, main content and supplemental content all in the same episode. They got super, super long. and my recording schedule got super tight and hard to keep control of. So, you, you probably noticed if you've been a listener for a while.

or maybe you just are used to the normal format that we do the main content where we cover the filmography of a director. Right now we're about to be getting into the middle career of Steven Spielberg. That'll be starting up next week with his first movie of the 90s, Hook. We'll do those main episodes covering those movies.

And then every other week and then the weeks in between their supplemental content will do movie drafts, interviews, all sorts of stuff like that. So the way it used to be all of that was in all in one episode in different segments. And so I've kind of split up the way I do it. So what I'll start doing whenever I don't have a supplemental episode is I'll just clip out those old movie drafts.

and stick them in as kind of reruns, guess. They're sort of reruns and sort of kind of just clipping out that movie draft. that way, eventually all of those movie drafts will hopefully be in their own episodes. So they'll be more easily consumable and easy to find if you wanted to go back and listen to any of those.

Eli (02:46.018)
past movie drafts instead of having to like find the timestamp in the episode within the old episodes or whatever. So today we're going to be doing a rerun of the very first movie draft I did from the very first episode. The guest will be Jacob Phillips. He was my first ever guest, a good friend of mine. And that very first draft, all we did was we kind of went back and forth and took four movie decades each.

So it was a movie decades draft. And so that's what you're going to listen to in just a minute. If you're watching, you'll notice the video content is significantly worse than it is now. And also the audio, if you're listening, is significantly not as good. And so I've definitely upgraded my equipment since that first episode.

And so, you know, just kind of bear with that. But yeah, that's what we're gonna be doing today. So let's jump into that. It is a draft of movie decades.

Yeah, we're going to move into our movie draft. So just a quick... Like I said, me and Jacob love fantasy football, so we like doing...

Drafts of players and whatnot, but I thought it would be a fun segment to do each week some sort of movie draft So, you know, we'll probably do some things like draft some movie years like we'll go back and forth and pick Movies from like I don't know 1999 and or something like that And you know, we'll probably put up polls on all the socials. So that's

Jacob Phillips (01:35:33.706)

Jacob Phillips (01:35:50.19)

Eli Price (01:35:57.979)
You the listener can decide who drafted the best group of movies But I thought we'd start off with something way more general like extremely general and we're gonna draft movie decades And so I don't mean like drafting movies from decades. I mean you're drafting the whole decade So if you pick the 2000s, you're drafting all the movies in the 2000s

And so this will be a fun way to kind of get an idea of our tastes in movies. We'll maybe highlight like two or three movies from that decade that really make it worth taking. So Jacob, you're the guest. I'm gonna let you start off. What decade are you taking? Please don't take the one I want first. I'm gonna be so upset.

Jacob Phillips (01:36:41.858)
So, well, I love many movies from this decade. And again, this is just, you know, I don't know if like, I don't know what's considered like the best movie decade of all time or whatever, but I think it's because it's so close to when I was born. I'm gonna go ahead and draft the 1990s.

Eli Price (01:37:08.263)
Woof. I'm very relieved. Yeah. Yeah. So highlight some of the movies from the nineties.

Jacob Phillips (01:37:11.543)
I love. Yeah, so this is like kind of when like the Coen brothers who are like probably my favorite directors, like they've put out some amazing movies this this decade. You have Fargo, you have the Big Lebowski, which are two phenomenal movies. Shawshank was released in 94 Reservoir Dogs. So the start of Tarantino and Heat is a recent movie that I.

Eli Price (01:37:26.457)

Jacob Phillips (01:37:37.686)
recently watched and absolutely blew me away. It's awesome. And then probably my last one that I'll mention is like Goodfellas, which was 1990 when it was released. So there's just a bunch of like really, really fun and good movies. And it's coming out of a decade from the eighties, which is just like so weird and zany. And this seems like a return to like moviemaking, I guess.

Eli Price (01:37:46.221)

Eli Price (01:37:56.967)

Eli Price (01:38:00.779)
Yeah, yeah, there's some great I have my letterbox pulled up sorting by, you know, my highest rated like 1999 is considered, you know, one of the best movie years. And you have like, I have some five stars in there, like the Matrix and actually like spoiler alert Rushmore from the Wes Anderson series. I love 90s movie, the Iron Giant Man such an

Jacob Phillips (01:38:07.252)

Jacob Phillips (01:38:13.633)

Jacob Phillips (01:38:18.335)
Yeah, for sure.

Eli Price (01:38:28.931)
It's just a great animated movie, but then you have like some stuff like the Thin Red Line From Malik and Pulp Fiction 7 You got you got some of the Disney greats like Lion King Beauty and the Beast There's some great stuff in here So yeah, that's a good. That's a good pick and it but it is not The one that I wanted and so I'm so happy

Jacob Phillips (01:38:30.67)

Jacob Phillips (01:38:55.554)
Go ahead.

Eli Price (01:38:56.871)
to draft the 1970s. Man, it's just some incredible films in the 70s. Of course, I grew up a huge Star Wars fan, so you have the original Star Wars, or like A New Hope as we know it now. But you have Jaws, what I think is Spielberg's best movie. You've got Rocky, just a great.

Jacob Phillips (01:38:59.116)

Jacob Phillips (01:39:02.857)

Eli Price (01:39:25.575)
classic Stallone You have the original alien Just alien is just such a good thriller You've got some Coppola and Apocalypse Now Godfather Godfather part two I Mean it's just you can go on and on you've got taxi driver from Scorsese You've got Days of Heaven from Malik

Jacob Phillips (01:39:53.538)

Eli Price (01:39:54.311)
And then like two that I've seen kind of in the last year, year and a half from Tarkovsky, Stalker and Solaire's are two just like incredibly poetic and like profound films that I've grown to love. Yeah, it's just a fantastic decade in movies. I think it might be my favorite decade, at least like with what I've seen so far. Yeah, so that's...

Jacob Phillips (01:40:03.574)

Jacob Phillips (01:40:21.966)
Sure. Yeah.

Eli Price (01:40:24.408)
We're going to, I think we're going to draft four decades each. So go ahead and make your next pick. We might need to speed these up.

Jacob Phillips (01:40:30.586)
Yeah, I'll go ahead and draft and again, probably recency bias, but I love the 2010s. 2010, it's just got a bunch of, I mean, just absolute studs of movies. So like in my own personal like top 10, like La La Land, you have Moneyball is one of my favorite movies, Lady Bird, Mad Max Fury Road.

Eli Price (01:40:38.245)

Jacob Phillips (01:40:59.234)
just some like really, really iconic already, iconic movies, Dunkirk as well on there, Birdman, we mentioned that earlier, Nightcrawler, Ex Machina. There's just a bunch of like really, really fun and good movies throughout that. And I think part of why I love this decade so much is that this is kind of like right when, the middle of this decade is when I really started becoming like a real like cinephile. And so, a lot of these movies shape

Eli Price (01:41:13.391)

Eli Price (01:41:27.769)

Jacob Phillips (01:41:29.948)
you know, kind of how I view cinema and stuff like that.

Eli Price (01:41:33.783)
Yeah, this would have definitely been my next choice. So I'm a little upset. I got the 70s, but this would have been my next choice. And it's similar. It's not, there probably are some better decades, like objectively, but this was like when I really started growing a passion for movies. And I have some like just all time favorites in here, like the tree of life. It's not for everyone, but man, that's, it's just.

Jacob Phillips (01:41:38.35)

Jacob Phillips (01:41:45.806)
Sure. Yeah.

Jacob Phillips (01:41:58.007)

Eli Price (01:42:03.267)
When I watched The Tree of Life, I was like, I've never seen anything like this before. And so, but then, you know, you've got Grand Budapest, you know, we're doing our West series, Mad Max Fury Road. I mean, just an incredible, maybe the best action film ever made. Parasite, you know, one of the Academy Finally Got It Right examples, you know.

Jacob Phillips (01:42:12.824)

Jacob Phillips (01:42:28.575)

Eli Price (01:42:30.999)
Interstellar which is probably my favorite Chris Nolan movie Yeah, it's some good ones The wind rises is a Miyazaki that I love Silence by Scorsese one of my favorite Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, I'm gonna go next with This is really hard

Jacob Phillips (01:42:43.22)

Eli Price (01:42:54.935)
I think I'm gonna go 80s. You know, you talked about it being a zany decade, but man, I've got some movies that I really like from this decade. I mean, you have a lot of like, I think the 80s, the blockbusters really started getting going. But man, there's some good ones like, you know, I love My Neighbor Totoro. Like, I will...

Jacob Phillips (01:42:57.599)

Jacob Phillips (01:43:04.28)
Oh yeah.

Eli Price (01:43:22.471)
put on My Neighbor Totoro by Miyazaki and just smile the whole time. Like there's some sad parts, but like, man, it just makes me smile. Empire Strikes Back. So I get the two best Star Wars movies, you know. The King of Comedy is one of my favorite Scorsese's. Paris, Texas is a movie I feel like a lot of people don't know about by Wim Wenders, but that's an incredible movie.

Jacob Phillips (01:43:41.644)

Eli Price (01:43:51.683)
Do the Right Thing, 1989, Spike Lee's masterpiece, Raging Bull, another great Scorsese. You get Die Hard. I mean, come on, Die Hard. And then even like one of my favorite documentaries of all time, the concert film Stop Making Sense that covers the talking heads, David Byrne. I love that. That one makes me smile too, if you've never seen.

stop making sense, just go watch it and watch the phenomena that is David Byrne, like do magic on a stage. But yeah, 1980s. So I've got the 70s and 80s. Where are you going next?

Jacob Phillips (01:44:27.644)

Jacob Phillips (01:44:31.542)
Yeah, well that was that was gonna be my next pick. Just a couple movies I love from that era of course, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Top Gun, talking about two blockbusters, you know, The Shining is excellent. The Princess Bride, forever underrated, but I feel like is such a fun movie. But I'll go ahead and I'll take like a...

Eli Price (01:44:44.773)

Eli Price (01:44:54.016)
Oh yeah, yeah, that's true.

Jacob Phillips (01:44:59.122)
Even though I haven't seen a lot of movies from this decade, I really respect this decade and I'll go with the 60s.

Eli Price (01:45:07.067)
Hmm, yeah. Yeah, that's a great choice.

Jacob Phillips (01:45:09.986)
There's so many just like iconic movies. The first four that are listed on Letterboxd for the 60s are, it's 2001, A Space Odyssey, Psycho, Dr. Strangelove, and Rosemary's Baby. And so like those are four, the graduates on there as well, Sound of Music, Lawrence of Arabia, West Side Story, Lolita, Mary Poppins, Fistful Adult, like there's just.

Eli Price (01:45:21.274)

Eli Price (01:45:36.155)

Jacob Phillips (01:45:37.442)
on and on just like these iconic movies that, you know, as you get more into movies, you just hear about over and over that like these are classics that you have to watch. So I'm going to go ahead and pick them.

Eli Price (01:45:47.631)
Yeah. And I mean, you've even got a yes. All right. You've even got on. I mean, those French New Wave were like super influential just to world cinema. You know, I caught up with a lot of 60s movies recently just from film spotting does like a film spotting podcast does a, you know, a tournament, March Madness kind of tournament with movie decades. And they did the 60s this year. And so I caught up with a lot of these a great decade.

Jacob Phillips (01:45:54.687)

Jacob Phillips (01:46:02.657)

Jacob Phillips (01:46:08.983)

Eli Price (01:46:18.019)
Um, yeah, so my, uh, my, we're on the third, our third choice, right? So my third decade, um, it's probably a similar choice, um, to, to where you went with, like, I haven't seen a ton of these, but I respect it as, uh, the fifties. Um, you know, just some that I've seen that are, that are incredible movies, uh, seven samurai by Kurosawa. And then you got singing in the rain.

Jacob Phillips (01:46:23.49)

Jacob Phillips (01:46:35.307)

Eli Price (01:46:45.087)
Gotta love it. 12 Angry Men is great. You've got some really good Disney and Cinderella, Al's from Wonderland. A lot of really good musicals. Funny Face is one that I love with Hepburn and Fred Astaire. But yeah, well, Godzilla. Man, great movie, Godzilla. The original.

Jacob Phillips (01:46:52.813)

Jacob Phillips (01:47:01.172)

Eli Price (01:47:14.927)
But yeah, I think I would pick this decade because there's a lot in this decade that I really wanna get to. There's a lot of great Hitchcock in this decade. Hitchcock is a huge blind spot. I've only seen a couple. And yeah, I would love to catch up with some Hitchcock and some more Ingmar Bergman, some more Kurosawa in the 50s. Yeah, there's a lot of great movies in the 50s that I need to catch up with. So I'll take it, I guess.

Jacob Phillips (01:47:21.463)

Jacob Phillips (01:47:28.587)
Yeah, I'm the same way.

Jacob Phillips (01:47:44.542)
Yeah, good choice. So this one is, you know, we talk about, we talk that we love fantasy football. Eli and I, we both know how you can fall in love with a prospect's potential. So I'm gonna go with the 2020s, why not? We're only three years in, but we've got some absolute amazing movies like Morbius, Black, I'm just kidding. No, but there really has been some really good movies that have come out of this.

Eli Price (01:47:45.263)
What's your last pick?

Eli Price (01:48:02.179)

Eli Price (01:48:07.939)

Jacob Phillips (01:48:14.306)
though so many movies it seems like are attached to IP, but like the new take on the Batman, you have everything everywhere all at once. The Banshees of Inishearin, which I loved. Bullet Train is a really fun turn your brain off movie if you haven't seen it. Licorice Pizza was really fun. Tick, tick, boom, you got Tar. There's already been some pretty solid movies to come out of this decade already. And then...

Eli Price (01:48:24.003)
Yeah, great movie.

Eli Price (01:48:32.135)

Jacob Phillips (01:48:43.174)
July 21st of this year, we got Barbie, we got Oppenheimer coming out. And so I'm really pumped for those movies especially. And then one of the biggest movies of all time and Top Gun Maverick as well, coming out this decade. You know, so save the movie theaters.

Eli Price (01:48:47.796)
Oh yeah.

Eli Price (01:48:53.211)

Eli Price (01:48:58.219)
That's true, yeah. Saved the movies. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I love the idea of drafting for the potential, you know, there's there's some upside there to that draft. Yeah.

Jacob Phillips (01:49:10.378)
Yeah, or we can look back and it's just like, oh, it's just all MCU and Mario Brothers movies.

Eli Price (01:49:16.703)
Yeah, it very well could be. Man, my last pick, I'm struggling, man, because there's three decades I'm looking at and they're they're very much so like I have a few that I really like, but also a lot to catch up on. And I think the biggest thing I'm struggling with is between the 20s and 30s. Here's the reason. I love I love.

Jacob Phillips (01:49:31.435)

Jacob Phillips (01:49:40.831)

Eli Price (01:49:46.515)
Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin movies. I've caught up with a lot of those in the past like couple years and man I love them, but like a lot of the good Keaton is in the 20s and a lot of the good Chaplin is in the early 30s and I'm like, I just don't know what to pick but I think I'm gonna go ahead and just go with the 30s I'm just kind of looking through I mean Chaplin you got modern times and city lights are just like

Jacob Phillips (01:50:07.406)
Do it.

Eli Price (01:50:15.643)
great Chaplin movies. You know, it draft in this decade, you get a little bit of versatility between, you know, I've got 50s, 70s, 80s. And you know, you got movies, movies were pretty trucking by then. But in this in this era, you're still like, it's still like really close to the tone of cinema. And so you have people doing some crazy stuff, you've still got silent films.

Jacob Phillips (01:50:37.847)

Eli Price (01:50:43.035)
and that slapstick from Chaplin, but you're also like starting to get like the Wizard of Oz and Movies like M you've got like the monster movies Which like I caught up with Frankenstein last year Frankenstein is just it's so good but you've also got like John Ford coming on the scene with stagecoach and And stuff like that. So yeah, I'll take oh, yeah top hat great movie

Jacob Phillips (01:50:48.359)

Jacob Phillips (01:50:54.177)

Eli Price (01:51:09.599)
This top hat is so fun. Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers. Great movie. So, yeah, I'll take the 30s for my last one. So, yeah, I'm pretty happy. Yeah. So I ended with the 70s, the 80s, the 50s and the 30s. What did you end up with, Jacob?

Jacob Phillips (01:51:18.494)
Nice, nice.

Jacob Phillips (01:51:29.382)
I ended up with the nineties, the 2010s, the sixties and the twenties, the 2020s.

Eli Price (01:51:38.295)
Yeah, the 2020s, the decade of potential. Yeah, so. Yeah, so yeah, we'll probably put a poll out on all the socials after the episode releases so that you can all vote on who has the best four decades, me or Jacob. And, you know, feel free to let us know too, some that we left out that you think was just an atrocity.

Jacob Phillips (01:51:42.562)
The Roaring 20s.

Jacob Phillips (01:52:00.001)

Eli Price (01:52:08.847)
Maybe you just love the 20s or 40s or you know, we didn't draft the 2000s. Maybe Yeah, so so maybe you think the 2000s is It's just an atrocity that we left that out. But um, yeah, let us know This that was really fun. I look forward to doing some fun different sorts of movie drafts in the future But yeah, we're gonna close out with some very quick

Jacob Phillips (01:52:14.986)
Yeah, we didn't draft the 2000s.

Eli (00:03.21)
Well, thanks for listening to that old movie draft. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did when we did it. That was from our very first episode again, episode one of the podcast, that movie Decades draft with Jacob. I'll make sure to put where you can follow him in the episode notes so you can easily click those links and go follow him. And yeah.

If you could just take a moment to go rate and review the podcast wherever you listen that has a rating or reviewing system, Apple and Spotify are the two that are the most helpful. So if you could do that, that would be awesome. It just takes a second of your time and it really helps the visibility of the podcast. More people are able to find it more easily that way. And also share it with your friends. I don't ask people to do that.

very often, but yeah, share the social media post if you follow on social media. Send a link to an episode to a friend that you think they'll like for a movie that you know they like. So yeah, if you could do that, that would be awesome. And don't forget, you can also support the podcast and get some extra stuff. you go to establishingshotpod .com, you can find in the menu the way to become a

supporter of the podcast, starting at $5 a month. And so I would greatly appreciate that. It helps me to get all the stuff I need and keep things running for the podcast. And yeah, I hope that you will do those things for me. And yeah, next week we will be jumping into Spielberg's first film of the 90s, starting our kind of middle career Spielberg series.

covering his movies of the 1990s and the 2000s. Looking forward to that. I have already done that episode on Hook, so it was a great episode. Looking forward to releasing it. And yeah, that's all we have for this week. So for now, I've been Eli Price, and you've been listening to The Establishing Shot. We will see you next week.


Jacob Phillips Profile Photo

Jacob Phillips

My name is Jacob Phillips, and I am a 25 year-old minister and podcaster. I love Jesus, my family, movies, and sports. Excited to be a part of The Establishing Shot family!