Aug. 16, 2024

Movie Trilogies Draft (w/ Christiaan Funkhouser)

It is movie draft time! This week we celebrate the completion of the original Indiana Jones trilogy on the show by doing a draft of movie trilogies! Guest Christiaan Funkhouser and I take turns choosing 7 of our favorite film trilogies, and you get to decide who ended up with the best collection. Enjoy our discussion of how to define a trilogy, of these trilogies that we chose, and of course all of our honorable mentions. 

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Eli Price (00:02.035)
Hello and welcome to The Establishing Shot, a podcast where we do deep dives into directors and their filmographies. We are getting close to the end of our early Spielberg series covering his movies from the seventies and eighties, but we are not discussing a Spielberg movie this film, but we are doing a movie draft inspired by our talk on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

And really the Indiana Jones trilogy, as you'll see. Our movie draft today is movie trilogies. We're going to be drafting trilogies. So yeah, I have Christian Funkhouser joining me again. We had a great, yeah, yeah, great, great to have you again. We had a great discussion last week about The Last Crusade, both of our favorite indie movie.

Christiaan Funkhouser (00:35.234)
Christiaan Funkhouser (00:48.898)
Thank you for having me.

Christiaan Funkhouser (00:59.81)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (01:00.947)
So yeah, love the movie. Great discussion. and now we are doing a draft inspired by the Indiana Jones trilogy, the original and, yeah, trilogies we're going to draft trilogies. I guess like before we get into the weeds of what is a trilogy, I'll, I'll give my classic, explanation of the movie draft, which is basically, the, the metaphor I love to use is.

You're picking, a, you know, you're, you're basically in the school yard at recess, picking your kickball team. We're going to go back and forth. You pick your, your movie trilogy. I pick mine. You know, sometimes you want to just get the best team. And so you, you pick the ones that you think are going to like, be able to kick the most home runs. sometimes you, but sometimes they're, you know, your best friend is an option and he's not, maybe he's not very good. Maybe.

A lot of people don't like them, but he's your best friend and you've got to pick them, you know, on your team. So that, that happens a lot more than you'd think for these drafts. So, it happens for me a lot. I have movies that I know aren't going to give me the votes, but I just have to do it because I love them so much. but yeah, that, that's our movie draft, but yeah, trilogies. What Christian, what to you makes a trilogy other than the obvious, there being three.


Christiaan Funkhouser (02:30.882)
I would say it is something where you've got it encapsulates the whole story. It tells the full and complete story of it. So where you you have the beginning part and then it can the movie could be over or the movie is over, you know, obviously. And then but then a new story starts, but it's part of that whole overarching story. Yeah. And I think that to me would be the main thing of a trilogy.

Eli Price (02:37.395)
Sure, yeah.

Eli Price (02:48.467)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (02:54.035)
same arc. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Eli Price (03:00.083)
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, at the end of the day, it's pretty simple, but there are like some nuances. So like we were kind of talking about, okay, like, what are we going to allow? Like, what if there's happens to be like a fourth movie at some point? Like we kind of talked about those and we'll, we'll get maybe into more of the weeds of that. Maybe when we start like picking our movies and if, you know, one of us picks one, we're like, I don't think so. I don't think that counts. but one example of like,

something that is not a trilogy that I was thinking of that I would not count as a trilogy is the mission and possibly like, so the first three mission and possible movies, like not a trilogy because you have so many more, they're all like, like the character arc running through all those like is all interrelated. They're kind of more episodic in nature than like a full like story.

Christiaan Funkhouser (03:40.162)
That's fair.

Eli Price (03:58.547)
Like there's just several reasons why you couldn't say like, the first three mission impossible movies is a trilogy. It's like, well, no, not really. Like it's you can't count that as a trilogy. There's seven of them or eight of them. Now there's going to be another one, you know? so yeah, it's, another, another, maybe another example that of one that I was like, hoping I could count as a trilogy, but I was thinking about it. And it's like, not really is, the alien.

Christiaan Funkhouser (04:05.282)
good example.

Eli Price (04:28.627)
franchise. So you kind of have like those first three that came out, like they all came out kind of like within about 10 years of each other. But they're all different directors. They're all like, they again, it's kind of, you have a character, the same character through those, but they're kind of episodic. You might could argue that those three are, you know, you have, you have,

Christiaan Funkhouser (04:29.666)

Christiaan Funkhouser (04:37.218)

Eli Price (04:57.683)
Sigourney Weaver, you know, as the main character through all those three. So you could maybe argue that those are a trilogy, but I don't know. I feel like the story goes on. I don't know. That's one that's like more on the line of like, maybe you could argue it's a trilogy, but still to me, it's kind of like, maybe not because there's so many more in that franchise. And yeah, I think there's another one. Yeah, there should be, I think Romulus maybe is what it's called coming out this year.

Christiaan Funkhouser (05:13.73)

Christiaan Funkhouser (05:26.53)
yeah I think there's a new one coming up yep

Eli Price (05:27.475)
Yeah. But anyways, Trilogy's movie Trilogy's that's what we're drafting. My first time guests, I always give the first pick. It's painful. It's painful, but I've got to do it. But there's so many good Trilogy's, you know, I don't feel like I'm missing out. We're going to, we're going to each take Trilogy's that the other person wants. It's going to happen. So if this is the, this is the first pick though, you have a

Christiaan Funkhouser (05:33.634)
Yep. And that would be your downfall.

Christiaan Funkhouser (05:50.594)
Yeah, it is.

Eli Price (05:56.019)
With great power comes great responsibility. You've got to pick a great trilogy. What are you going to go with?

Christiaan Funkhouser (06:02.754)
For my first draft pick, I'm going to choose the trilogy of which I have multiple versions along my bookcase. Lord of the Rings. It is. It is it is one of my absolute favorite sets of movies based off my favorite book series based from my favorite author. It is something I watch all the time every year.

Eli Price (06:11.107)
Yes, the natural first pick, I think.

Eli Price (06:27.539)

Christiaan Funkhouser (06:32.642)
go through and watch it where I'm re -listening to it with Andy Serkis reading the book.

Eli Price (06:37.523)
Mm -hmm.

Christiaan Funkhouser (06:40.706)
Top quality production. He's I'm actually excited about the new movie he's going to be in with the hunt for Gollum. I think could be really good with them.

Eli Price (06:41.523)
The Andy Serkis is great. Yeah.

Eli Price (06:48.691)
Yeah, it could be. Yeah. Peter Jackson is, is back in full, you know, it has, there's, there's hope. I think it's a weird. Yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (06:56.93)
And it's directed by circus. So it's going to be. So I have faith that he's going to be true to himself on that. Also, but there's not there's no politics. It was pretty much in many places like word for the book, of course, is not a fully accurate thing. They had the cut things for movies, but it was just. It's just so good in the story is just absolutely timeless. I. I cry every time Boehmer dies is so good.

Eli Price (07:19.283)
a classic myth like just, yeah.


Christiaan Funkhouser (07:26.43)
So sad. I was a youth pastor for a little bit. And so I was going to show them the Lord of the Rings. And they're like, we hate Boromir. Boromir is the worst character. I'm like, you shut up right now. You stop that. Don't speak his name like that. He's the best character. But anyway, so yeah, Lord of the Rings is my first pick. That's one of my, if I were going to be in a bunker, you know, for the rest of time, that was one of my movie trilogies I would pick to go in there for sure.

Eli Price (07:34.611)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (07:38.707)


Yeah, it's great. I mean.

Eli Price (07:50.387)
Mm -hmm.

Yeah, you're like a desert island pick. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Okay. So you went Lord of the Rings. So naturally the only other option that would come next is the original Star Wars trilogy. That's yeah. Just in case I went wild. Yeah. I mean, you've got to go Star Wars.

Christiaan Funkhouser (07:55.778)

Christiaan Funkhouser (08:09.474)
Yep, that was my next one just in case you went like crazy. Yeah.

Eli Price (08:21.619)
Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi. When you have a series like something that becomes a franchise, but the original movie is the name of the entire franchise. I mean, come on. Yeah. Like in my, in my, in my notes on my outline, I'm not even going to put like original star Wars trilogy. I'm just going to put star Wars because it is the star Wars trilogy.

Christiaan Funkhouser (08:31.742)
Yeah. It's.

Christiaan Funkhouser (08:50.114)

Eli Price (08:51.123)
Great characters, great, great like.

action innovation, like great adventure and fantasy. I like, I always tell people like Star Wars is like science fiction is maybe a sub genre of it, but it's more like fantasy adventure than it is sci -fi. It's just in a sci -fi setting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (09:13.474)
Yeah, it's just a fantasy adventure that exactly I was about to say that's in a sci -fi setting.

Eli Price (09:22.131)
Love. I mean, those are the top picks. Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. We would have been failing this draft if we didn't do that. So.

Christiaan Funkhouser (09:32.226)
never allowed to watch another movie if those weren't the two to go.

Eli Price (09:34.419)
Yes, absolutely.

Christiaan Funkhouser (09:38.05)
And with the Star Wars, it's just, it was.

Production was so cool to what they did with ILM and stuff like that. John Cas... Is it John Cas... Yeah, Casin writing the second... I don't want to say his son, because I don't like his son, but it's John Casin. Yeah. Okay, sorry. Hearing the stories about how he argued with Lucas about stuff and seeing what was important to Lucas, like even just from a film production type setting, that was so...

Eli Price (09:46.227)
Yes, so innovative, yeah.

Eli Price (09:58.035)
Yeah, yeah.

Eli Price (10:04.947)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (10:10.579)

Christiaan Funkhouser (10:12.642)
important to the way things were done and everything such grand scale and such beautiful characters and fantastic redemption arcs. It's.

Eli Price (10:16.499)

Yeah. And just something that shouldn't have worked and did like to the nth degree worked, you know? Yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (10:27.042)
It's a movie about space wizards and with all the yeah And how it throws you into the middle of the story and we're just like, okay. Well, this is the world today We're in this for some reason this princess is part of the rebel alliance. I don't know who it is, but I don't like this guy James or James. Anyway, there's too many I get so good it is

Eli Price (10:30.195)

Eli Price (10:38.387)

Eli Price (10:46.707)
Yeah, it's great. So good. All right. You've got the next pick. It's your second pick. Third overall. This is those. Those were the first two bar none. Now from here it might get a little crazy. Who knows?

Christiaan Funkhouser (10:53.506)
Christiaan Funkhouser (11:03.65)
I think it might. I'm going to go with the Godfather trilogy because...

Eli Price (11:10.035)
Okay, yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (11:15.586)
it. OK, now, if I could eat the third movie, I'd be OK with that. But it fits in the trilogy. And and quite honestly. Right. It's it's just it's not to the I think that's where we're going to run into with a lot of the the later on down the road picks. But honestly, if you think about the first two movies are kind of like three movies to begin with, because you got the whole past and then the the center and then think. But just it's it's quotable. It's.

Eli Price (11:21.011)
Sure, yeah. It fits. It's not bad.

Eli Price (11:28.531)

Eli Price (11:32.979)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (11:39.187)

Christiaan Funkhouser (11:43.554)
It's so heart wrenching with some of the stuff and and it creates that like, you know, Don Corleone, who is he's a good man. He does bad things, but he's a good man overall. I will never forget watching the.

Eli Price (11:50.743)

Eli Price (11:54.547)
Mm -hmm.

Christiaan Funkhouser (11:59.97)
at the end of the second movie when the second movie. The end of the first and the things to the end of the first movie when Michael finds out that his child has been aboard it like that was that was like, holy crap, hold on. I never thought about this before. You know, like anyway, so it was just it was really and they all do such amazing jobs acting special effects could be a little better, but it was back in the 50s or whatever. But it's just.

Eli Price (12:11.411)

Eli Price (12:16.147)

Eli Price (12:23.091)

Eli Price (12:28.275)
Sure. Yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (12:29.442)
I think it's just a timeless story. And it's one of the few movies that you can take out of order and then play it and say, OK, that works. I'm doing this.

Eli Price (12:33.207)

Eli Price (12:37.555)
Yeah, I think there's like a version of it that's like all of them like mish -mashed all together, like maybe put chronologically. Yeah, I haven't watched it that way, but yeah. It's been a long time since I've watched...

Christiaan Funkhouser (12:45.57)
chronologically. Yes.

Christiaan Funkhouser (12:52.898)
It's totally worth it.

Eli Price (12:58.003)
watch these. I did get to see the Godfather in theaters once, which was really cool. The art theater does like flashback cinema, I think is what they call it. They'll show like old movies. So that was cool to really cool to see the Godfather on the big screen. So recommend doing that if your local theaters do that. Go see old movies in the theater. It's really cool. Yeah. All right. It's my second pick.

Christiaan Funkhouser (13:01.634)
Ooh, that's cool.

Christiaan Funkhouser (13:22.658)
is rec...

Eli Price (13:28.275)
Going fourth overall. okay. I mean, I think this is just another maybe chalk pick. but I've got to go with, Nolan's dark night trilogy. they're just, they're just great. Even the dark night rises is like the lesser of the three. Like we were talking about the third maybe is lesser, but like it's still really good.

Christiaan Funkhouser (13:43.266)
That makes sense.

Eli Price (13:56.499)
It's still a good movie in my opinion. I don't think it's a bad movie. you can go listen to me talk about these in our Christopher Nolan series. but yeah, it's, it's, it's the dark night trilogy. It's, it's so good. It redefined the whole cinematic industry for the past decade and a half or so, like, with superheroes dominating.

Christiaan Funkhouser (14:00.418)
No, Bane is a great video.

Eli Price (14:26.035)
the box office, just like, yeah. Yeah, very, just incredible.

Christiaan Funkhouser (14:30.082)
made it viable in some ways.

And Bane, you know, for as you know, the third movie isn't necessarily the best, but Bane was a really intelligent villain. He was a villain done very well. And I think that's good.

Eli Price (14:44.659)
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (14:48.546)
OK, should I bring in one of my random ones? Do we agree how many we're doing? We're doing seven?

Eli Price (14:51.955)
your best friend that you have to draft.

Eli Price (15:00.431)
I think, yeah, we can do seven. That'll be fun.

Christiaan Funkhouser (15:03.618)
Okay. I'm good with seven. Okay. So I'm then I'm going to bring in my, my BFF. Okay. Well, actually I'm not going to do my BFF yet. I'm going to bring, they're coming in next. Cause this is going to be one we're going to have to argue about. But this current one is not, I'm going to say the prequel series of star wars for my third.

Eli Price (15:12.051)
Let's do it.

Eli Price (15:16.499)
Okay, I'm disappointed now.

Eli Price (15:23.827)

Eli Price (15:29.039)
Okay, great. Good pick, you know.

Christiaan Funkhouser (15:33.122)
this was the first star wars I've ever seen in theaters. I saw, the Phantom Menace, I think it was 18 times total in theaters. I was, it was mind blowing. And with, with the second lightsaber, I, every time I was like, my God, this is amazing. I can't even believe it. there were, I personally didn't mind.

Eli Price (15:37.267)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (15:44.723)

Eli Price (15:51.315)
Ha ha ha ha.

Christiaan Funkhouser (15:59.074)
I've always kind of been a fan of them. I didn't really like the love story as much aspect of it. I thought the last half of this Cacos and Columns was really good. Return of the... Revenge of the Sith was a very like... It's still a super intense movie and seeing his downfall and how he became everything that he was fighting against and...

Eli Price (16:01.747)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Eli Price (16:06.099)

Eli Price (16:12.883)

Eli Price (16:19.859)
Mm -hmm.

Christiaan Funkhouser (16:24.546)
and how he made himself into those. There were some things that Lucas did that I, why would Mace Windu keep, you know, when he was being shot at like, and how did, there's, whatever, that's what we're going to say. But just that whole, that downfall in the art was so good. And I think, and Hayden Christensen, he did a really good, Ewan McGregor.

Eli Price (16:37.491)
Yeah. Toss this side.

Christiaan Funkhouser (16:53.89)
All the, anyway, so many good picks and so many good, very quotable. but I think the main thing is that it does a fantastic job telling a story, maybe not one that we needed to know all the key pieces of, but, so Revenge of the Sith is such a heartbreaking, that whole, that whole last scene on Mustafar, like that last fight scene. And it was just so, and anyway, so that's where that's my third. Yep.

Eli Price (17:06.675)
Yeah, sure.

Eli Price (17:14.771)
Yeah, yeah.

Eli Price (17:19.475)
Intense. Yeah. And emotional. Yeah. Yeah. I, I, I still really like a lot of elements of, of that prequel trilogy. When I, when I go back and watch them now, I watched them and I'm like,

There are parts of these that are like boring and that to me is like lowers them objectively. I'm like, okay, there's like, they missed the mark. Like Lucas really like got caught up in his like interests and kind of missed the mark on, on a lot of aspects, but there's still a lot of aspects that are good. there's still like star wars movies, so they're still like enjoyable. And then I have like,

Christiaan Funkhouser (18:02.21)

Eli Price (18:03.027)
my nostalgia of, yeah, seeing these, like having a, a pod racing video game that I, that I played all the time. Like, you know, yeah, yeah, they're, they're still, it's one of those things where I'm like, is this a bad movie? You're like, probably, but I still really enjoy it. You know,

Christiaan Funkhouser (18:09.25)

Christiaan Funkhouser (18:25.698)
Yeah, I guess I did pick my best friend.

Eli Price (18:28.691)

Christiaan Funkhouser (18:30.242)
But yeah, and even like I remember seeing Yoda like when he pulled out his lights there like

Eli Price (18:35.635)
Yeah. Yeah. The theater went crazy. for sure. Yeah. Okay. man, this is what my third pick, okay. You went prequel. I'm going to go with, okay. This is an example where for me, the movie slowly fall off.

Christiaan Funkhouser (18:38.69)
Yeah, for sure.

Eli Price (19:06.419)
but I still really enjoy them. I'm going to go with the original Matrix trilogy. You know, we kind of talked, touched on, you know, the fact that there is a fourth one, but it's kind of like an add on. Like that original trilogy was a trilogy for a long time. So, yeah, I, the Matrix is like a 10 out of 10 movie for me. Love the Matrix. It's phenomenal. I think,

I think reloaded is underrated. I think it's actually like really good, really interesting. I mean, maybe even some of the action set pieces rival, if not are better than them, like their original matrix. you know, just some of the stuff they do, it's rev revolutions is just kind of like not that great. Honestly.

They should have stayed in the Matrix more, but it's still a Matrix movie and it's still really fun. So that's it. It's definitely a trilogy where like the movies decrease in quality with each one. But just undeniably like revolutionary and like the Wachowskis have a tendency to be like ahead of their time.

and their what their films like i think i i talked about that with speed racer when i drafted it in our flops our director's flops movie draft speed racer is so good it's just ahead of its time i think but but yeah i'm so i'm gonna go with the matrix trilogy really yeah just love the matrix

Christiaan Funkhouser (20:59.554)
I think that the whole bullet speed, like that was like mind blowing. And so many, I think one of the ways you can tell a good series is how many people rip it off or meme it or whatever the case is. I think that's really important.

Eli Price (21:12.403)
Right. yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (21:16.002)
OK, here's my first one, potentially breaking the rules. I'm going to say the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. OK. OK, yeah, so Gore Verbinski, he directed the first three. It tells the story of. my goodness, of Elizabeth and legless, whatever is will. Yeah, we'll turn her. It tells that story.

Eli Price (21:20.435)
Let's see, let's hear it.

Eli Price (21:24.787)
I'm going to allow it. I've already actually thought about this.

Eli Price (21:31.539)

Eli Price (21:38.131)
Mm -hmm.

Yeah, I will. Yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (21:44.45)
And then after that, they stopped focusing on them. They focus on Jack, who's a good character, but he is not the core of it. And I just think it's the second one. The first one is great. The second one at first was my least favorite. But after like rewatching, especially with my director friend who was like pointing out all these little things and like, wow, this is really good. This actually like there's a lot to it.

Eli Price (21:49.267)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (22:00.275)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (22:08.659)

Mm -hmm.

Christiaan Funkhouser (22:13.09)
And so I think it's just it's a great and especially on the. I think it's the first and the second one, whoever did the music, I don't remember who it was. I think it was Hans Zimmer, Hans Zimmer. He they they took the time to pair up like the music with the what was going on on the screen. So like when he's like stomping down, then the music's like hitting a beat. And so it just it's it's really cool. And then.

Eli Price (22:25.523)
Yeah, Zimmer.

Eli Price (22:35.667)
Yeah, sure.

Christiaan Funkhouser (22:42.466)
There's so many things like happening in the forefront and the background and everything. And so I think it's just a great trilogy, even though the other two exist in the universe.

Eli Price (22:44.979)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (22:52.211)
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they're, they are there. I have never seen the most recent one, the dead men tell no tales. I've never actually seen that. I did see on stranger tides. yeah. Well, there you go. I don't really, it's not very high up on my to -do list either, to be honest. but yeah, those movies are like, they're, those are very nostalgic for me too. Like, cause.

Christiaan Funkhouser (23:05.474)
I have not seen the fifth one either.

Eli Price (23:21.555)
So 2003, I was like, I was in middle school and so like prime age for those movies to just be incredible. So yeah. Yeah. It's a good, it's a really good pick. And I think those are, they do have like a full story arc between those three same director, you know, I think that's for sure counts. All right.

Where do I go next? I guess I'm gonna go gonna have to go ahead and this is another so I'm doing two in a row where there's an original trilogy and then an add -on later. I'm gonna go with the Toy Story trilogy, Toy Story one through three.

Christiaan Funkhouser (24:14.434)
That makes sense to me.

Eli Price (24:15.123)
Yeah I've actually watched so me and my wife are currently we watched through it took us like I Think two years or more to watch through all of the Disney animated classics in Chronological release order. There's 62 of them So we we finished that and we were like, well, I guess we'll do the same thing with Pixar which there's way less Pixar movies but we're I think we're on

Christiaan Funkhouser (24:32.162)

Eli Price (24:43.315)
Our next one is Nemo, maybe we've watched like the first few. So we've already watched the first two Toy Stories and they're just so good. Just classics. The innovative in both like animation and like just storytelling and what you, you know, starting like very, very early on already starting like the, the

Pixar like staple of being able to connect with children and adults too. and Toy Story is like vital to that. And I think Toy Story 4 is really good. I think people, I think people maybe didn't get it because I think Toy Story 4 is about empty nest, nesters. and that's why it's so much later than the others. Go watch if you're, if you.

Christiaan Funkhouser (25:35.714)

Eli Price (25:42.067)
didn't like Toy Story 4 when you watched it, go back and think about Empty Nesters because the people that loved Toy Story that took their kids to see Toy Story when they were kids are now Empty Nesters when Toy Story 4 is coming out. And just think about it with that in mind. And it totally changes the way you see the movie. Woody trying to learn how to have his own identity without his kid.

Christiaan Funkhouser (26:03.01)

Eli Price (26:11.563)
Yeah, but but that is not the trilogy that's not the movie I'm drafting I'm drafting the original three. So Yeah, the four is kind of like an add -on but but yeah, you mean you have those are the Andy ones They're the Andy saga. Yeah Who knows if we'll get more Toy Story movies with the way things are with IP right now we you know, chances are we probably will but

Christiaan Funkhouser (26:14.37)

Christiaan Funkhouser (26:27.618)
Yeah, the Andy saga.

Eli Price (26:41.811)
Yeah, I just love them. They're just great. The second one is my favorite. What's your favorite Toy Story?

Christiaan Funkhouser (26:47.298)
I would say the original, just because I remember being thrown into that world and like, I think it.

Eli Price (26:48.819)
Yeah, that's fair. Yeah.


Christiaan Funkhouser (26:57.41)
I know the trilogy itself is good. I think this is one that if they would have just kept with what I'm not saying they should have, but it would have been totally fine if they would have kept with the one. And that's just because it was like I said, I'm not saying they should have. I'm glad they did extra ones, but that's. Whereas any of the other ones, you need the other two like on it, but that's just one for me, so.

Eli Price (27:00.211)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (27:07.571)

Eli Price (27:16.051)

Eli Price (27:22.067)

Yeah, it's I just like it as this exercise and like growing up with your audience Or with your characters growing up with your characters at the very least And I have other movies other trilogies that might follow that same thing that I would love to draft But yeah, I just I really love that idea and inside out too seems like it's kind of doing a similar thing

Christiaan Funkhouser (27:30.722)
Mm -hmm. That's a really cool idea.

Eli Price (27:53.875)
kind of growing up with your character, but yeah. so I'm interested to see how that turns out. I think it'll be out by the time this come, this episode releases. I can't remember when it's, when inside out, I think it comes out this summer. So yeah, by the time this episode releases, maybe everyone will know if inside out too is good. but, but yeah, Toy Story, that's where you got a release date there.

Christiaan Funkhouser (27:53.954)
Yes, sir. I think.

Christiaan Funkhouser (28:21.218)
it's released in two weeks. Yeah.

Eli Price (28:24.723)
There you go. So in two weeks from recording, but, cause it's we're recording on, at the end of may, I guess, technically it's late enough where it's the beginning of June now, but, yeah, this, that's a peek behind the podcasting curtain. that, yeah, Toy Story. That's the first animated,

Christiaan Funkhouser (28:28.738)
yes, that's very fair, yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (28:37.57)
Woo, Peking At You!

Eli Price (28:53.779)
being taken in this draft, but yeah, it's your fifth pick. We're gonna, and yeah, we did say seven each, right? So this is not your last. You still have three more.

Christiaan Funkhouser (28:58.082)
So, yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (29:04.354)
Okay, so in keeping with the spirit of Spielberg, no, I just had a terrible thought.

no, okay. I'm gonna say the Jurassic Park trilogy.

Eli Price (29:20.595)

Christiaan Funkhouser (29:21.826)
I think that...

Obviously, Jurassic Park amazing. I think the lost world they

Eli Price (29:32.691)
Mm -hmm.

Christiaan Funkhouser (29:38.978)
I think that's where they, like, I could see, like, committees getting involved in it a little bit much. I actually watched, we watched through the whole, when I had COVID, I watched, like, all the Jurassic Park movies. I just, I think that it's...

Eli Price (29:42.483)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (29:51.187)
Yeah, yeah, okay.

Christiaan Funkhouser (29:58.018)
it makes like all three of them kind of make sense and even.

as a cohesive, just sorry, with the second one, I could definitely see that kind of stuff happening. Some of the characters I wish they wouldn't have put in there, but it makes sense that they would be trying to take over. You have the hunter, the big game hunter who has like some sort of morals, but not really type thing. He has a code of honor type thing. And I could just see like that being a natural flow of things. And the third one, as much flack as it got, it really played on the...

Eli Price (30:11.187)
Mm -hmm.

Christiaan Funkhouser (30:36.418)
the scariness of it in some cases and the route of what happens after we've abandoned for so long. And of course, the first one is just amazing altogether.

Eli Price (30:39.187)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (30:44.627)
Yeah. Yeah, I know I've seen the lost world, but it's been so long. I don't really remember anything about it. And I just don't remember if I ever saw three or not, to be honest. I just don't.

Christiaan Funkhouser (30:55.65)
Fair. Three was one that had the Nokia ringtone.

Eli Price (31:01.843)
I don't know. Yeah, it's not, it's not bringing anything back. So maybe I haven't seen it. yeah, I did get to see the first one in theaters. back, it was back when like COVID was slowing down a little bit and theaters had started opening. You could like rent out a theater and see, invite friends, you know, there are theaters doing that. And so I had some friends that had rented out a theater and chose.

Christiaan Funkhouser (31:02.082)
That was a reoccurring, okay.

Christiaan Funkhouser (31:08.354)
Okay, it's all good.

Christiaan Funkhouser (31:24.034)

Eli Price (31:30.835)
They had like options of things you could show and Jurassic Park was an option. So we watched Jurassic Park and that was really, really, really cool to see in theaters. cause I was too young when it came out. I was like three. yeah. So early nineties, early 90 kid here. yeah, yeah. I mean, good choice just for the sake of getting Jurassic Park.

Christiaan Funkhouser (31:39.074)
Good, so good.

Christiaan Funkhouser (31:47.33)
yeah, I'm a little over.

Eli Price (32:00.435)
the original in my opinion, you know.

Christiaan Funkhouser (32:03.97)
And that is by far the best one. The second one, what was so interesting about that one is you got to see the different dinosaurs. And it was another one of those like everything's going cool and then something screws up and they were they were more prepared for the stuff. But then they obviously weren't. But yeah.

Eli Price (32:15.795)

Eli Price (32:20.243)

Eli Price (32:23.923)
Yeah, okay I have a couple that I really love That I actually watched very fairly recently Because I knew this draft was coming up and they were like they had been on my list to watch for a long time I Think they're lesser known. So I think I could get by with putting them off for one more pick There's two

Trilogies that I really really like I'm gonna go with the one that I think is better overall over the one that like is the more nostalgic pick for me All three of these movies I think are really good. I'm gonna go with the the the three Planet of the Apes movies

from the 2010s, the starting with Rise. Yes, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Dawn and War. Second to directed by Matt Reeves of that series. They're just so good. You got Andy Serkis, another, and again, once again, as Caesar. They're like, they're emotionally like resonance and like, which I mean, you're.

Christiaan Funkhouser (33:22.818)
Okay, so the new one. Yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (33:37.026)
I've got to insert. Yep.

Eli Price (33:51.667)
Emotionally resonant CGI apes. It's like, yeah, it is. They are. it works. They're action packed. They're, great storytelling, great, like building each one builds on the last. And, you, the, the character of Caesar is just so, fully formed and so, interesting. yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (33:56.354)
It works, yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (34:18.882)
Like almost right off the bat, like just kind of, yeah.

Eli Price (34:23.283)
Yeah, like by the time you even just get to Dawn, like he has, it seems like he has, he's just like a natural leader and he has, like he has a philosophy for how things should work and like watching what happens when like that doesn't go exactly as he wanted it to. Like, I don't know. It's just all so good. but yeah, or I'm going to go with the apes, the 2010s apes. I'm not sure how to put that in the, in our notes, but.

I'm just going to say apes trilogy. I think, yeah.

Ha ha.

Eli Price (35:02.547)
I haven't seen all the originals, so yeah. I've seen the first one, I think, a long time ago, but yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (35:05.634)
Those are very interesting.

Christiaan Funkhouser (35:13.058)
I think that beach reminds me of the one that they did the fan thing in Last Crusade. I think it was the same beach.

Eli Price (35:22.259)
Yeah. Okay. I hope you do take the other one that I'm that I was wanting to take, but I just don't have room for it. I think.

Christiaan Funkhouser (35:31.746)
Eli Price (35:32.115)
We'll find out.

Christiaan Funkhouser (35:35.458)
So I think the...

Eli Price (35:38.579)
This is your sixth pick, so you have two more.

Christiaan Funkhouser (35:40.354)
Man, I need like eight picks. That's what I need and then I'll be good.

Eli Price (35:45.395)
There's always honorable mentions.

Christiaan Funkhouser (35:47.682)
Yeah, but I have honor. I have specifically once chosen for honorable mentions. How do we get to honorable mentions? How many do we get?

Eli Price (35:50.579)
we'll just we'll just rattle off as many as we want.

Christiaan Funkhouser (35:57.474)
Okay, good. There you go. Now I don't feel as bad. Okay, so I think real, I think this is gonna knock off one of my other ones that I thought was really good. I think I gotta do the Indiana Jones trilogy just because it is for all the reasons we talked about. It revolutionized a genre. It was done fantastically with the exception of Temple of Doom. If I could eat that one, I totally would. It's...

Eli Price (36:12.755)
Okay, yeah.

Eli Price (36:23.059)
Mm -hmm.

Christiaan Funkhouser (36:26.882)
terrible movie, I hate it. But, I mean...

Eli Price (36:33.267)
You should go listen to the Temple of Doom episode when it releases. It's not out yet as of the time of our recording, but when it comes out, you should listen to it. It's a really good discussion. Yeah. Yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (36:44.29)
good, well, that may change my mind, we'll find out. But I just think that for all the reasons that we mentioned on The Last Crusade and then of course, obviously, The Raiders of the Lost Ark, I think it's just, it's such an important movie to, or trilogy to cinema, to the cinema, to whatever movie industry that's playing. So.

Eli Price (37:05.779)
Yeah, absolutely.

Yeah, I'm glad you took it. I think I did say that we were going to include that in our options. Most of the time, I just make the topic of this discussion, the official overall honorable mention. But yeah, no. No, no, no. I had said originally, I think when I messaged you, that we would include it as an option. Yeah. I was just saying, I usually, I'd.

Christiaan Funkhouser (37:25.506)
I can switch to another one.

Christiaan Funkhouser (37:33.89)

Eli Price (37:37.587)
I don't, but I thought it was important this one to include it. And I, you know, one of us, I had, I had honestly not even thought of it. It's just like, for some reason I wasn't even thinking about drafting it, but, but yeah, I'm glad you drafted it because it needed to be taken. But I do hope you take my other one too, cause I'm not going to get to take it. Cause I have two that I think are just incredible.

Christiaan Funkhouser (37:41.218)
Yeah. Okay. That's fine.

Christiaan Funkhouser (38:03.202)
We just gotta go to eight. We just gotta do eight. Let's just do it. Let's break the rules.

Eli Price (38:07.427)
No, this part of the fun of it is having to choose. Yeah. All right. My next one, I'm going to go with one that I watched very recently. I had gotten, I think my sister actually got me that Criterion collection of the trilogy last a year or two ago.

Christiaan Funkhouser (38:12.45)
Okay, that's fair.

Eli Price (38:33.523)
And I just haven't gotten around to watching it until I knew this draft was coming up. But I'm going to go with Richard Langlater's Before Trilogy. These, it's, so I can tell by the look on your face, like you're like, I've never heard of this. It's Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. They are in the, so it's.

Christiaan Funkhouser (38:49.858)
Never see it. Nope.

Eli Price (38:57.971)
Before sunrise, before sunset and before midnight is the names of the three movies. That's why it's called the before trilogy. yeah. So in before sunrise, their characters, Jesse and, Celine, they meet, on a train in Europe and, have like a romantic night together. There is the, these movies are full of dialogue and incredibly well written.

Christiaan Funkhouser (39:05.186)
heard of that.

Eli Price (39:27.795)
conversations. there's like, there's music in like transitions some and like at the beginning and end of the movie, but there's like, otherwise there's like no real score. Like it's just listening to these two people talk. which yeah, which you would think is like, that sounds boring, but there it's intriguing. it's incredibly like insightful into romance. And then what's incredible is.

Christiaan Funkhouser (39:45.666)

Eli Price (39:57.651)
So the first one comes out in 1995, the next one 2004, and the most recent, the last one before midnight came out in 2013. So you have almost like 10 years that go by in between each one. So it's again, another example, like Toy Story where you're, you're growing, like you're growing with the characters. You're seeing them, you're, they're literally aging, like because the movies come out like nine to 10 years in between.

from each other. and so they're, they're reconnecting at different points in their life. They have different problems that they're discussing. They have different outlooks on life. they have different like philosophies and they have different relationship dynamics in each of them. you know, by the third one, they're married, well, not technically, I guess married, but they're in a committed relationship with kids.

and yeah, I, I think they're just, these are incredible movies. The first one, is incredibly like romantic. this, this, you know, the second one I think is the second one is not my, is my least favorite thing, the three, but I still think it's incredible. The fifth one I think is just like, so, so very good. very like,

I don't know, I don't want to give away too much about them so people can enjoy them and go watch them. But yeah, the Before Trilogy, I think it's great. Really good. I'm glad I got to catch up with it because of this draft. So...

Christiaan Funkhouser (41:41.954)

Eli Price (41:47.699)
This is your last pick. You're gonna have to leave something off.

Christiaan Funkhouser (41:49.57)
I don't know. I have just thought of like three more. It's terrible.

Eli Price (41:54.515)
no. It's okay, I'm not getting one of mine that I really wanted, so.

Eli Price (42:04.403)
I'm in the same boat.

Christiaan Funkhouser (42:06.338)
I think.

going to be one of my potential rule breakers. I want to do the Hunger Games trilogy.

Eli Price (42:11.603)

Eli Price (42:18.323)
Hmm. See, I, I don't know if that counts because it's for movies, right?

Christiaan Funkhouser (42:25.09)
But it's part one and two.

Eli Price (42:28.019)
Right, but it's still four movies. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if I can allow that roll break.

Christiaan Funkhouser (42:29.346)
So that's kind of, it tells the story.

Christiaan Funkhouser (42:39.618)
It's this is why I was like, maybe it could work. So I will.

Eli Price (42:44.787)
I don't think it, I don't know that it would count.

Christiaan Funkhouser (42:49.602)
under my previous thing. And it's OK if it doesn't overall, but it's telling the same story, same story arc of the characters. The reason they if we want to give them the benefit of the doubt. And it wasn't just a money grab. The reason they went with the two parts is to fully be able to tell the story a lot better. And it and it tells the overall the complete and total story arc of.

Eli Price (42:52.499)

Eli Price (42:57.683)

Eli Price (43:08.851)
Mm -hmm.

Christiaan Funkhouser (43:16.642)
our main characters Katniss and Pita and the down eventual downfall of the capital capital capital that's a toll. Yeah.

Eli Price (43:19.827)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (43:24.275)
Right. I think it's like, so like this is, it's the difference between like the book and you know, the, the way it is adapted. Cause like the books, like, yeah, it's a trilogy for the books, but to adapt it, it's no, like, I feel like it's not a trilogy anymore. Once you make it into two parts.

for film, because then it's two movies. Like it's turning one book into two movies. I don't know, I think...

Christiaan Funkhouser (44:06.018)
We can strike it. It's OK. That makes.

Eli Price (44:07.795)
I'm going to strike. I'm going to, I'm going to, I don't do this often, but I don't know. I just feel like it can't be considered a trilogy because it's for movies.

Christiaan Funkhouser (44:18.37)
Okay. I guess you could, you could.

Eli Price (44:19.603)
Even though it is like part one and part two, I just feel like that's still two movies. Yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (44:27.522)
Okay. Because it took them four movies to tell the full story. Yeah.

Eli Price (44:31.859)
The only reason it's called part one and part two is because it's an adaptation of a book that already exists. I feel like if that wasn't the case, they would have come up with like two different subtitles for it instead of doing part one, part two potentially. Like you could argue that, I think.

Christiaan Funkhouser (44:49.026)
Okay, I can see that. I will not fight.

Eli Price (44:55.507)
Well, I'm setting you free to choose your other one that you're going to have to get left off.

Christiaan Funkhouser (44:56.866)
Excuse me.

Well, that's why I was like, I was like, okay, well, maybe it's not too terrible. But then I thought of another one as you were talking. So now I got to decide which one I want. But.

Eli Price (45:09.299)
Okay, maybe one of them is the one that I was hoping you were going to take.

Christiaan Funkhouser (45:14.722)
Let's find out. I'll go with it. I don't know the official title of the trilogy. OK, let me back up a sec. See, my other one I was thinking about was the Night Shyamalan, the Unbreakable Split in Glass. But that one, I know the fourth one, whatever the name of it is, I forgot about it. That one for sure has a fourth movie that finishes off the story. So I was like, I had to eat that one.

Eli Price (45:15.699)

Eli Price (45:31.891)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (45:43.795)
No, that is three.

Christiaan Funkhouser (45:45.954)
But then there's a fourth one that kind of continues. The one.

Eli Price (45:49.659)
There's not a fourth one. There's just an unbreakable split in class.

Christiaan Funkhouser (45:53.634)
There isn't?

Christiaan Funkhouser (46:02.178)
I thought we're not that's done even more. my goodness. I thought there was a fourth one with Anna to know. And they're in the, I guess, class, I guess unbreakable tells kind of his origins.

Eli Price (46:05.587)

Eli Price (46:17.523)
Yeah, so like Unbreakable is Bruce Willis and Elijah Price and then Split is just by its, it doesn't, it technically has Willis' character at the very end, but it's kind of a, you could say it's standalone, but it's part of the trilogy because it's introducing the character. But then, and then Glass brings it all together, all three of them.

Christiaan Funkhouser (46:44.418)
That's the moment in the insane asylum. OK, well, I had written that. OK, never mind then. Well, I can pick that one because it's I had already written off. That's a really great honor. OK, sorry. Whatever the the murder trilogy is, murder and the already expressed death in the Nile, a haunting in Venice is.

Eli Price (46:56.595)
Ha ha ha ha.

Eli Price (47:03.187)
Okay. Yeah. I guess we could say like the, perot trilogy.

Christiaan Funkhouser (47:09.762)
I dig it.

Eli Price (47:11.378)

Christiaan Funkhouser (47:12.77)
I, I have some issues with death in the Nile. I think that they, Perot kind of went off of his character thing, letting that girl talk to him the way that is. I think that was way out of character. but one of the things I love, I, Murder in the Orient Express, the cinematography on that was phenomenal. I loved it. and not having read the books, each one of those was a mystery for me to kind of find out myself.

Eli Price (47:26.035)
Yeah, yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (47:42.53)
And they had the, and I just love that type of things where I'm finding out the mystery along with them. And, and the I, and then I love how in the end they kind of show how we were misled, but it's still obviously there. I think that it's, it's done very cleverly. And I think the guy they got to do to play Perot is.

Eli Price (47:53.779)

Eli Price (48:06.515)
the director also. Yeah, Kenneth Branagh. Yeah, he got himself to... Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (48:08.45)
he's he's the director, isn't he? OK, I think he. I think he did a great job in it, and I just I think it's a very they're very intelligent films, but I think murder is obviously the best of them, but I just I love the way that that one shot like even from the down point of view in the train all the time to really encapsulate that. I think it's done well.

Eli Price (48:32.499)
Yeah. I heard, I haven't seen, death on the Nile or a haunting in Venice, but I, no, you're good. but I have heard haunting in Venice is good. is, is, is at least like intriguing and doing something a little different than the first two. So yeah, that's, yeah, I need to revisit that, the, that first one and, and watch those second two.

Christiaan Funkhouser (48:39.906)

Christiaan Funkhouser (48:53.346)

Eli Price (49:01.779)
but yeah, I mean, it's Agatha Christie. I mean, you gotta, that story is just in the mystery and everything. You gotta give her props for that. yeah. And, yeah, I guess you could say that like Branagh, Poirot trilogy. Cause you know, these have been adapted multiple times, at least murder on the Orient Express for sure has.

Christiaan Funkhouser (49:14.434)
For sure. It's really good.

Christiaan Funkhouser (49:27.65)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (49:28.627)
I don't know about the other two stories if those have been adapted a lot, but yeah. Yeah. Solid last pick. I'm going to go with another trilogy that probably a lot of people don't know or haven't seen, but I think it's so good that I'm going to potentially like bomb my chances of winning just so that it's so, so that it's chosen and given the glory that it deserves, I'm going to go with.

the 1950s Apu trilogy. These are directed by Satyajit Ray. These are Indian language, Indian director films, black and white films. Satyajit Ray is a director who, what I've noticed with the movies of his I've seen is he,

is so very like appreciative of just humanity and life and the mundane like he will let the camera sit and just watch people be people and it's just like it's incredible these so these movies it's it's my third trilogy movie where you grow up

Christiaan Funkhouser (50:43.969)

Eli Price (50:53.619)
with the character. This character is played by a different, the Apu is the name of the kid. He's a kid in the first one and then he's kind of like a teenager in the second one. And then in the third one, he's an adult and he's kind of like trying to get a job, falling in love, that sort of thing. But the emotional thread through these is...

Incredible The watching him and grow up and he's incredible seeing him face different things In different phases of his life as he grows up and then again just like the cinematography and the way that Ray Uses the camera and all of that is Phenomenal I think I cried at points in all three of these They're just like

such emotionally charged and yeah just incredible. I couldn't leave it off the list because I was just blown away by how good these were even though it probably isn't going to get me any votes but maybe it'll make people say that's interesting maybe I'll check that out so that's it that's our draft we did it now we can say all the ones that we wanted to draft but didn't. I did

Christiaan Funkhouser (52:16.642)

Okay, that's fair.

Eli Price (52:21.843)
I would have liked to have been able to fit that Shyamalan trilogy, the Glass trilogy, Unbreakable trilogy, whatever you want to call it.

Christiaan Funkhouser (52:32.514)
I think I think those phenomenal movies. I love Night Shyamalan. He is my one of my favorite directors of all time. And I had just in my mind, I'd built up that there was a fourth movie. So I didn't think about it. And then I found. Yeah, he's so good anyway.

Eli Price (52:35.475)
I like all of them, yeah.

Eli Price (52:41.075)
Cool. Yeah.

Eli Price (52:48.819)
I'd go watch it if there was.

Eli Price (52:53.423)
Yeah. Glass is underrated, I feel like.

Christiaan Funkhouser (52:56.994)
That's the third one, right? Yeah. I think it is.

Eli Price (52:57.971)
Yeah. Yeah. I don't know why people didn't like that movie. Like I don't, I think maybe people didn't understand the kind of moot that they were basically watching, like a comic book movie that is not based on a comic book. but yeah, I don't know.

Christiaan Funkhouser (53:09.218)
third part of it.

Christiaan Funkhouser (53:17.153)
And I think a lot of people, split was a little much for people.

Eli Price (53:21.395)
That's fair. It has decent ratings though, is the thing. But yeah, that trilogy is great.

Christiaan Funkhouser (53:31.778)
I think of course the Hobbit trilogy, but I already got Lord of the Rings, so I was good. Although I think that's another one that they, that's one where they did the exact opposite. They extended it too much. But Martin Freeman as Bilbo is phenomenal. I love him as that in the...

Eli Price (53:36.211)

Eli Price (53:42.131)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (53:48.147)
Yeah, he is entertaining as Bilbo for sure, yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (53:52.482)
But the first movie, and the stupid white work, I have a censored, it's not officially censored, I just, I fast forward over those parts, because I'm like, this is not part of the story, I hate this.

Let's see, I have more. I can wait and let you.

Eli Price (54:09.299)
Yeah, the one that I was hoping you would take so it would get in like represented is the Sam Raimi Spider -Man trilogy.

Christiaan Funkhouser (54:20.962)
I have it right there.

Eli Price (54:22.659)
Yeah, I love it. It's such a big part of like my childhood too. Like even more so like it's even more so nostalgic than like the Dark Knight trilogy for me because I was older when the Dark Knight trilogies came out and this that's that same Remy Spider -Man is just like a part of my childhood, you know, even the third one even though it has like a ton of problems. It's still really fun and like

doing something a little different and yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (54:56.514)
I loved the, yeah, those are really good. But yeah, I had it on there just in case. I didn't know how many of mine you're going to take. So along with that one, I think the Min and Black trilogy was good.

Eli Price (55:06.419)

Eli Price (55:10.803)
Yeah, that was down on my list further, but it was definitely another part of my childhood.

Christiaan Funkhouser (55:19.618)
Yep. So the first one was amazing. Second one. There was there was interesting. Yeah, well, that's it's got that we grow up, you know, the heartfelt moment.

Eli Price (55:23.187)
Yeah, I liked the third one. Yeah.

Eli Price (55:31.571)
Mm -hmm. Yeah, for sure. We didn't mention Back to the Future. People like that one. Yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (55:37.378)
I have that on my list too as another one. Yep. People will probably be very mad at us for that one.

Eli Price (55:42.259)
I just think that those like, I really loved the first one and I remember watching it a lot, but the second two just like feel like, I don't know, they just kind of feel like, okay, you can take them or leave them. Like who cares if those exist or not sort of thing. So.

Christiaan Funkhouser (55:57.506)

Christiaan Funkhouser (56:01.09)
I think I've seen the third one more than the second one and that's only because it shows up on TV more. That's the Western one, right? Yeah. Rush Hour, the Rush Hour trilogy. I think...

Eli Price (56:06.419)
Yeah, right.

Eli Price (56:14.003)
Okay. Yeah. Those are fun. I like those movies a lot. I mean, yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (56:19.778)
I think they're they're fun. Jackie Chan's is awesome. Just doing stuff. I will say, like in rewatching them, there's a lot more like back in the early 2000s, whatever, there was a lot more like sensual stuff where which is very interesting to kind of like watch nowadays. Like nowadays they don't have it or they do. And you just it's a lot easier to skip over. This is more like it was very interesting kind of going back to seeing how that that works. But I think.

Eli Price (56:22.995)

Eli Price (56:36.211)
Mm -hmm, yeah.

Eli Price (56:46.451)

Christiaan Funkhouser (56:49.058)
There's a lot of quotable parts to it. There's a lot of stuff that could not be done today. But I think that it was important for like that buddy cop humor type thing at the time.

Eli Price (56:53.971)
Yeah, right.

Eli Price (57:00.435)
Mm -hmm. Yeah. Yeah, for sure.

Another that I've so I really like the how to train your dragon movies. the first two, I think the third one is like very mad to like not that great, which is, you know, probably would keep it me from drafting it in a top seven. But, but the first two, I really like a whole lot. I think they're really good. so.

Christiaan Funkhouser (57:28.194)

Christiaan Funkhouser (57:34.402)
The first, the soundtrack on How to Train Your Dragon, the first one is amazing. That's what I'll just turn on and listen to. I believe so.

Eli Price (57:38.515)
Yeah, yeah, it's the young it's Yancey, right? Isn't it? Yeah, he's he's kind of like a very like transcendent music making artists. I don't know if you've ever heard of his band Seeger Rose. They do like, yeah, it's it's really like interesting music to listen to. But yeah.

Any other honorable mentions? I mean, there's definitely more that I could talk through, but...

Christiaan Funkhouser (58:11.97)
I think the Iron Man series kicking, like that trilogy kicking off the kind of the Marvel MCU. Because I don't think without, no, what was his name?

Eli Price (58:20.467)

Christiaan Funkhouser (58:30.626)
Robert Downey Jr. The MCU would not have gone anywhere, I don't think. I also think you could throw in the Captain America one. But then that would be, the Guardians one is really good too. Yes.

Eli Price (58:31.635)

Eli Price (58:41.683)
I would say Guardians is big.

Eli Price (58:49.683)
Yeah, one, I have some that like, I haven't seen all of them. but I know like, are probably would be on some people's lists. One would be the man with no name trilogy with Clint Eastwood, the spaghetti Westerns. So it'd be a fistful of dollars, a few dollars more in good, bad, ugly. yeah, they're, they're all like, it's, it's called the man with no name trilogy. it's the same, you know,

Christiaan Funkhouser (59:05.442)
the fiscal dollars, few dollars more. And so I did not realize that was a trilogy until like a little bit ago.

Eli Price (59:19.539)
Clint Eastwood technically has a different name in the credits in each one, but he doesn't actually have a name. Those are just, those are names like that, whoever is in the movie with him kind of gives him. Only one I've seen is Good, Bad and Ugly. I need to catch up with the other two. But some people say the Good, the Bad and the Ugly is like the prequel to the other two because he like finds his poncho at the end of Good, Bad and Ugly.

Christiaan Funkhouser (59:36.706)

Christiaan Funkhouser (59:46.562)
Eli Price (59:47.251)
And so they say like that's the pre, that's the prequel and the last one. yeah, I, I couldn't take it cause I haven't seen them all. So.

Christiaan Funkhouser (59:52.418)
interesting. I know that he that move.

That is fair. That's why one of the reasons I didn't choose Guardians, because I haven't seen all of the third one. I think I fell asleep part way. Accidentally.

Eli Price (01:00:04.883)
My hot take is it's not very good, but a lot of people loved it. I can't take that away from people. I just didn't care for it at all. Yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:00:19.97)
Ghostbusters had a third one.

Eli Price (01:00:22.323)
It did. I don't remember it. I don't know if I've seen it.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:00:24.13)
I think, but I don't think it wasn't. I think I've seen it because I got the one of those like buy the whole all three together type things. And so I got it. And then we like watched it because I like to complete things, but it wasn't. That's one of those that they could have just stopped with the first one and then be done with it because you weren't going to top it.

Eli Price (01:00:33.395)
Mm, sure.

Eli Price (01:00:42.771)

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:00:48.866)
Let's see, I think, should we just for, to pay respect to the franchise, should we put in there the sequel trilogy? I wouldn't, sorry, but for the...

Eli Price (01:01:00.851)
The for Star Wars. Yeah. So, so here's the thing. This is we're not going to get into this because we would probably have contention between us because I'm a I'm a last Jedi stand. I really like it and I'm pretty sure you do not. We're not going to get into that. I think we've I think we've had like Facebook discussions of that before if I'm yes.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:01:08.738)
Yeah, that's right. Yeah.


Christiaan Funkhouser (01:01:21.154)
That's fine. Yeah, that's all.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:01:25.41)
We have and they've all been civil and they've been very respectful and happy proving it can be done.

Eli Price (01:01:30.419)
but the rise of Skywalker is garb hot garbage in my opinion. as far as the star wars movies goes, so it just ruined the whole trilogy for me. cause I think the force awakens is really good. and I, I think the last Jedi is really good. you know, I know that's contentious, but I don't know anyone that thinks the rise of Skywalker is really good. So.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:02:00.93)
I think for that one, it's juxtaposed in that trilogy because it like you can, it's, that was one of those like, without getting too, JJ Abrams was like, Hey, I want to finish my story. So I'm going to try to cram way too much in there. And then, yeah, I think there was some, they were, they were mad at each other.

Eli Price (01:02:01.523)

Right. It just.

Eli Price (01:02:17.459)

and retcon at the same time. Yeah.

Yeah, well there's originally, you know, gonna be three different directors and I people blame Rian Johnson. It's not Rian Johnson's fault. It's the studio's fault for thinking they could hire three different directors with three different visions to tell one one full story. It's just a bad move on the studio's part. It's not Rian Johnson's fault. Rian Johnson made a good Rian Johnson Star Wars movie.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:02:46.53)

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:02:51.49)
I have as much as I dislike Last Jedi, I think I would be very interested to see him do his own trilogy, not affiliated with the Skywalkers, where he just gets to create everything himself and think of everything. Because when he's free to do that, he does really, really well. Yeah, Knives Out. That was one of the ones I was thinking, like, is there a third one of it? I don't think. Yeah.

Eli Price (01:02:59.443)
Do a full trilogy. Yeah.

Eli Price (01:03:08.883)
Yeah. Knives out movies are great. Yeah.

Eli Price (01:03:15.827)
Not yet, there is going to be, but not yet.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:03:19.17)
But that kind of stuff, that was, and that was another movie that kind of worked like with the Agatha Christie where it was like, I didn't fully understand what was, like, I didn't fully, I didn't guess the ending of it. And those are always, this is really cool. Cause I like to figure it, find out along with the, the, the movie thing. So yeah, I think he's, but I think it would do the sequel series, especially just paying homage to the, the thing. Cause I think.

Eli Price (01:03:24.083)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (01:03:28.083)
Mm -hmm.

Eli Price (01:03:32.883)

Eli Price (01:03:38.483)

Eli Price (01:03:45.523)
Yeah, for the full Skywalker saga, I guess you gotta pay your respects, you know. Yeah, there's.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:03:53.57)
Because regardless of anything, that trilogy set into play a lot of different things that happened. And Ryan Johnson, regardless of anyone's opinion, he makes very beautiful movies. And it was gloriously beautiful. It was one of the prettiest, arguably the prettiest Star Wars movie to come out. So I...

Eli Price (01:04:09.107)
yeah. Yeah.

Eli Price (01:04:19.347)

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:04:23.458)
Anyway, yeah, so there's that. I think after that, I'm my brain is I don't know that I have.

Eli Price (01:04:27.539)
There's more, I mean, like, just like, I'm not even going to put these in the list, but like, I mean, you have like Bill and Ted have three, the first one I really like, but, you know, the second two are not that great. But Bill and Ted, that's a fun one. You got the X -Men, you know, trilogy.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:04:46.242)
yeah. But see, with that one, there's like so many different ones. I was like, -huh.

Eli Price (01:04:50.099)
Yeah, you got that. You've got Cars has a trilogy. I've never seen the third one. Then Narnia. Yeah, I was just about to say Narnia. The second. The first one's good. The second two. Meh. Oceans. You got 11, 12 and 13. That would have been a good. Yeah, that would have been a good pick, probably.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:04:57.826)
Chronicles of Narnia. Regretfully, only as a trilogy.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:05:09.442)
Yes, 11, 12, 13. Those are really good.

the new one, because I think the old one goes to 13, too, the original.

Eli Price (01:05:18.675)
oceans eight came out like.

multiple years ago with the, had like a women cast. It wasn't very good in my opinion, but.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:05:28.066)
I'll check reboot. Yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:05:34.594)
the original one with the Rat Pack. They didn't have three of those, did they? Okay. Let's just...

Eli Price (01:05:37.139)
yeah, no, no, yeah, I don't think so. I think it was just like Oceans 11. Did they do more than one of them? I don't remember. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm talking about the Soderbergh ones. Yeah, yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:05:46.178)
remember. But that was that was a very

Yeah, those were good. I was like, because I remember seeing that in theaters, like, heist movies are very interesting. These are great.

Eli Price (01:05:58.131)
Yeah, yeah. I guess the only other one that I've seen all of them, the Creed movies are. I think the first one is really good. The second one is not very good and then the third one is OK. But they're enjoyable to watch either way, so and Star Trek, the Abram Star Trek.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:06:20.13)
Yeah. Another chronic hit.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:06:25.226)
is that only three?

Eli Price (01:06:26.259)
Yeah, there's only three. Well, Abrams didn't direct the last one, but yeah, there's only three of those. Yeah. Yeah.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:06:30.674)
but in that verse, that universe, I think that's a that's a good I appreciated some of the. Well, I just like.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:06:43.458)
Ethan Peck. I like Ethan Peck. He was con right now.

Eli Price (01:06:50.291)
no, Quento. yeah, Cumberbatch.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:06:51.874)
No, it was no, it's a Cumberbatch.

was sorry, I even pick is the new spark in Strangers in Worlds. what about the.

Eli Price (01:07:00.179)
Yeah, I was thinking of Spock, yeah. Zachary Quinto is good at Spock, I think.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:07:10.882)
Yeah, sorry. What about the? my goodness. Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. Is that a trilogy?

Eli Price (01:07:18.451)
Is it a trilogy? Are there three of those? If there are three of those, I haven't, I don't know that I've seen all three of them.

Eli Price (01:07:27.379)
I thought the first one was good. I don't really remember any past that.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:07:34.658)
nevermind, there is a - the third one's supposedly in the works.

Eli Price (01:07:38.547)
Okay, so there's not a third one yet. I don't really remember the second one though, but yeah good old guy Richie Yeah, I think we've exhausted I mean there's there's like tons of trilogies like and I'm sure there's more good ones out there that I just haven't seen all of them So yeah, we'll let the people tell us ones we missed for sure

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:07:41.154)
Yeah. I thought the first one.

That's very fair. It was more forgettable.

And I think we have, that's all the good ones.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:08:04.194)
When they should make a trilogy out of is the C .S. Lewis Space Trilogy.

Eli Price (01:08:08.275)
That would be interesting. I don't know how that would... Yeah. It's such an odd trilogy. I would have... Yeah, it would be interesting to see how that gets visualized. But yeah. And I don't know how you make the third one into a movie because it's like the first half is like university politics and...

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:08:16.738)
It is. That's why I think it would be so much fun.

Eli Price (01:08:37.747)
England in that time Yeah But yeah, I don't I mean yeah, we'll just let the people tell us all the ones we missed But we rattled off a lot of trilogies. I mean Yeah Let me let me read off the list one more time to wrap it up so Christian ended up with Lord of the Rings trilogy

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:08:40.546)
OK, that's fair. That's very fair.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:08:51.17)
Yes. Tell us what we have missed.

We, I think we did pretty well.

Eli Price (01:09:07.379)
the Godfather trilogy, the prequel Star Wars trilogy, the original three Pirates of the Caribbean or Caribbean, however you want to say it, the Jurassic Park trilogy, the original Indiana Jones trilogy, and the Kenneth Branagh Perot trilogy, Agatha Christie adaptations. So that was Christian's Draft.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:09:35.458)

Eli Price (01:09:35.539)
I ended up with the original Star Wars trilogy, the Dark Knight Nolan trilogy, the Matrix trilogy, the Toy Story trilogy, the 2010s Planet of the Apes trilogy, the Before trilogy, Richard Linklater's, and then Satyajit Ray's Apu trilogy. And yeah, great. I feel like these were really good, really good lists.

So we'll see what the people like more. I guess, hopefully I got a strong enough front end where I could pick my best friends at the end and still survive, but we'll see. We'll let the people decide. yeah, be on the lookout. I usually post the polls on Monday, so, be on the lookout for that poll and, make sure you vote for your.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:10:08.482)

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:10:16.802)

Eli Price (01:10:34.163)
your favorite draft between our two. And yeah, that was fun. It was fun to talk through trilogies and yeah, that's all we really have this week. Christian, you mentioned last week, but once again, would you tell everyone where they can follow you? What's in store in the world of Christian in the future?

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:10:55.618)
It's all good. Yes. So on Twitter, Mr. Funkhouser, for most of my personal socials. But you can also check out at Dancing Fox Studio or go to Dancing Fox Studio. That is my my brainchild where I want to talk about stories and how they relate to us as humans and bring in the philosophical and the theological aspects to stories and.

Eli Price (01:11:23.731)
Mm -hmm.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:11:25.154)
By the time this airs, hopefully it will be up and running with stuff so that we can have a hopefully provide some insight. I want to be able to find insight and stuff and look at like why these stories like matter to us. So it should be good. So it's Dancing Fox Studio.

Eli Price (01:11:37.715)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Very cool. I'm looking forward to it. Yeah. Awesome. Well, thank you, Christian, for coming on. Next week, we are going to be talking about Spielberg's last movie of the 1980s in his movie, Always, bringing back Richard Dreyfuss. So yeah, I'm excited to talk about that. But that is all we have for this week.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:11:47.33)
Thank you for having me.

Eli Price (01:12:07.507)
it was fun talking trilogies and we're done with where we've wrapped up the ND trilogy. We're moving on. Well, we'll see what happens. but that's all we have for this week. I have been Eli Price for Christian Funkhouser. You've been listening to the Establishing Shots. We will see you next time.

Christiaan Funkhouser (01:12:29.73)


Christiaan Funkhouser Profile Photo

Christiaan Funkhouser


Hi! I’m Christiaan. I love stories—it doesn’t matter how they’re told. The way they transport you to a different world and allow you to experience something that would never exist is so cool. I find the ways a story or character can inspire, encourage, or even convict us fascinating. One of the reasons I love movies is because there are so many different stories being told and seeing how they all come together (or not in some cases) makes the whole experience of a movie something that is hard to replicate. I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to work behind the camera, be in the writers' room, and even make a few guest appearances in some indie and festival films and the insight I gained from there has been invaluable in giving me a unique perspective I love to share with others. It’s one of the reasons I started DancingFox.Studio and why I was so honored to have the opportunity to share with you all my love for stories and movies on the Establishing Shot Podcast!
I have my M.Div in Christian Education and want to eventually get my Ph.D. in something involving philosophy, theology, and pop-culture.