Dec. 27, 2024

Top 100 Box Office Movie Draft (Rerun w/ Haydn Fabre)

This is a rerun of a movie draft we did of films in the Top 100 of all-time worldwide box office earnings back in Episode 3. It makes for an interesting draft because the list is surprisingly bereft of really incredible movies with a few exceptions. You are mostly choosing from blockbuster crowd pleasers. I am happy with the results, though! Only 6 films have broken into the Top 100 since that draft was recorded: Inside Out 2, Barbie, Deadpool & Wolverine, Oppenheimer, Despicable Me 4, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Of those, Barbie and Oppenheimer almost certainly would have made it into our draft. 

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Haydn Fabre

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so we're going to move into our movie draft and we're kind of winging it. I sent Hayden a list. Of movies, right?

Haydn Fabre (01:36:06.968)

Haydn Fabre (01:36:22.972)
Woo! Dude.

Eli Price (01:36:29.902)
before we started recording. I was like, man, because I was like, maybe we can draft from the site and sound top 100. But I was like, you know, it's it's the top 100 greatest movies all time. It's like, yeah, I'll just take any of them. You know, there's no bad. There's no like it would just kind of be us be taking our favorites, which it's going to that's going to be the case in any of it. But. I don't know, I feel like it wouldn't be quite as interesting, so.

Haydn Fabre (01:36:32.419)

Haydn Fabre (01:36:45.199)
I knew I was gonna have a bad lift. Yeah.

Eli Price (01:37:00.49)
Instead, I found a different list. Um, and it is the list of the all time worldwide box office movies. So you have, you know, obviously when you

Haydn Fabre (01:37:16.175)
You're gonna take avatar and he'll be bold. You're gonna go crazy. You're gonna take both the avatars.

Eli Price (01:37:16.414)
Yeah, so I mean, avatar is number one. Avatar is number one in game number two. The actual avatar way of water is three. Did you know that it had jumped up there? I did not. Titanic number four, Titanic was the. Yeah, Titanic was up there for a long time. Yeah. On this.

Haydn Fabre (01:37:28.727)
Yeah. Oh, I knew it. I've been following it. It's fascinating. I don't, I'm not even an avatar guy. I'm just fascinated.

Haydn Fabre (01:37:41.196)

Eli Price (01:37:45.082)
Real quick, I had seen this thread on Twitter the other day, and I didn't know this was a thing, but apparently, like through the years, whenever like a director gets overtaken by someone else on this list, they like kind of write a letter, like maybe they'll publish it in a magazine or they'll just like send a note. But it's like they congratulate each other on like congratulations, like you passed me. And usually there's like some sort of like

Haydn Fabre (01:38:07.373)

Eli Price (01:38:14.862)
graphic that their I don't know studio or whatever is made of like, you know, passing the torch like on to the next thing of the characters from each movie. Yeah, it's pretty cool. I thought that was cool, like Hollywood camaraderie kind of thing. But yeah, so we're going to draft off of this. Yeah, James Cameron.

Haydn Fabre (01:38:18.785)

Haydn Fabre (01:38:23.383)
That's cool.

Haydn Fabre (01:38:32.418)
Do you think James Cameron has all 10 of his, you know?

Eli Price (01:38:35.838)
James Yeah, so we're gonna yeah, I mean he's three of three of the top four So we're gonna draft let's say let's draft Let's do Sevens a good number seven Yeah, seven's a good number seven each so we're gonna draft from this all-time top 100 all-time worldwide box office movies

Haydn Fabre (01:38:43.255)
Yeah, crazy.

Haydn Fabre (01:38:54.167)
Seven? I'm okay with seven.

Haydn Fabre (01:39:00.168)
Oh man.

Eli Price (01:39:06.114)
the box office mojo. So yeah, Hayden, you're the guest, first time guest. I'm going to let you pick first because I'm just that nice of a person.

Haydn Fabre (01:39:17.635)
Oh my gosh, thank you for the honor. Okay, let's get into it. For my first pick, I've got to take The Dark Knight. I have, I know that's what you wanted, isn't it? I have never seen a scene from The Dark Knight and not immediately wanted to put that movie on. It is the possibly most rewatchable possibly movie of all time. And I'm gonna grab it off the board.

Eli Price (01:39:30.67)

Eli Price (01:39:40.492)

Eli Price (01:39:44.142)
Yeah, yeah, I mean that makes sense uh That's You know, it's hard I only have It's funny. I don't have any like 10 out of 10 movies on this list. Um but uh So it's it's kind of

With my first pick... Man...

You know...

Haydn Fabre (01:40:10.063)
you're going to do, swing for the fences.

Eli Price (01:40:13.878)
You know, I guess I'm going to go Return of the King, Lord of the Rings, Return of the King wraps up the series. So that way, if you draft another order, the rings movie, at least you don't get the epic ending. Yeah. The one that won all the awards. Not everyone thinks it's the best one, but. They're all pretty on it. They're on an even playing field, in my opinion. But so I'll take the last one.

Haydn Fabre (01:40:18.136)

Haydn Fabre (01:40:25.515)
I don't get the best one, yeah.

Haydn Fabre (01:40:30.361)

Yeah, the one, the highest

Haydn Fabre (01:40:38.207)
Yeah, well Thomas, our Lord of the Rings friend, I'm pretty sure he's a fellowship guy all day, so I guess the real thing is, yeah, yeah.

Eli Price (01:40:43.858)
Yeah, which I understand. Yeah, I get it. So yeah, Dark Knight, Return of the King. What you going with your second?

Haydn Fabre (01:40:53.492)
For number two, I've got to go to my boy Steve and I'm going to take Jurassic Park on that one. Jurassic Park.

Eli Price (01:41:00.354)
Alright, Jurassic Park. What? Jurassic Park, where was it in the list? 32. Okay, 32 all time.

Haydn Fabre (01:41:08.691)
Yeah, Jurassic Park is a movie that I adore. I just, I just that score. The all of the acting is just so fun. I've I when I was a child, I don't remember sweating as much as I did to a movie than Jurassic Park in that kitchen scene, dude. Love that film.

Eli Price (01:41:13.258)
It's a great movie. It's fun.

Eli Price (01:41:27.166)
Yeah. Yeah, great. I actually got to see it in theaters a few years ago. It was fun. No, it was one of those things where it's like someone rented out. It was it was during Covid, actually. Yeah, someone rented like a friend. One of our like friends rented out a theater for a bunch of people. And yeah, we went and saw Jurassic Park. It was it was fun.

Haydn Fabre (01:41:33.207)
I want to come back through. Yeah.

Haydn Fabre (01:41:41.423)

Haydn Fabre (01:41:50.264)

Eli Price (01:41:56.062)
Yeah, so I'm gonna go the nostalgia pick and pick one of the best Disney animated classics ever in The Lion King. So... Yeah. Return of the King. The Lion King. Got a trend here, going here. Yeah. It's just... It's just a good movie. Yeah.

Haydn Fabre (01:42:06.295)
figured that was where you were going next.

Haydn Fabre (01:42:13.827)
Got it.

Haydn Fabre (01:42:18.059)
All the kings, all the kings. Dude, I'm looking at some of the movies on this list. I don't even know what these are. What is Wolf Warrior II? Is that what it was? I'm not going to take Wolf Warrior II. I'm actually going to take, I'm gonna take, you know, like we talked about in our episode, one for them, one for me, one for them, one for me. I'm gonna go two for them, one for me, and I'm gonna take Star Wars episode three, Revenge of the Sith.

Eli Price (01:42:30.188)
Oh, that's good.

Eli Price (01:42:45.25)

Haydn Fabre (01:42:45.511)
A moment in cinema, a moment in movie going, a moment in sci-fi, Revenge of the Sith.

Eli Price (01:42:49.026)
Revenge of the Sith, huh?

Eli Price (01:42:53.258)
You know, it's a good movie. I, you know, it's, it's definitely the best of, of the prequels for sure. And.

Haydn Fabre (01:43:02.883)
Yeah, of the three. Oh, and it is unrealistically cringy and absurd.

Eli Price (01:43:08.066)
I'll never forget seeing it in theaters and just like the scene at the end, you know.

Haydn Fabre (01:43:13.339)
Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Eli Price (01:43:15.642)
I have that image stuck in my head. Not of like, I've seen it since obviously, but the image in my head is looking at the movie screen. When did that come out? What year did that come out?

Haydn Fabre (01:43:27.079)
I believe it was 2001, sometime around then.

Eli Price (01:43:33.262)
Was it 2001? I'm trying to find it on the list. 2005, yeah. So I was in like eighth grade or something like that.

Haydn Fabre (01:43:35.279)
There's a, no, not that late. 2005? 2005. Yeah.

Haydn Fabre (01:43:43.499)
I won't tell you where I was in 2005. I was seven years old. I remember vividly going to that movie and then going to Chili's afterwards and sitting there with my buddy Jake and just freaking out about how amazing it was. So it's for me.

Eli Price (01:43:46.634)

Eli Price (01:43:54.667)

Eli Price (01:43:59.418)
Yeah, yeah, it was I was I was around that age when they re released the original trilogy and theaters with like, you know, the terrible CGI and stuff. Yeah. So, yeah. So, yeah. Lord of the Rings for me, then Lion King for three.

Haydn Fabre (01:44:13.325)

Eli Price (01:44:23.348)
This is where.

I mean, so here's what I'm not going to do. I drafted my Lord of the Rings movie. I could draft the other two, but I'm going to kind of let those hang out there. You can have one if you want. Whatever. I'm going to go. I'm going to go inception. It's a it's a good movie, man. Leo. Like that, you know, the totem. You know. I'm a I'm a big proponent of like

Haydn Fabre (01:44:41.271)
Oof, that was when I had my eye on. It's a fun one, man.

Haydn Fabre (01:44:50.894)

Eli Price (01:44:56.902)
Is it, you know, does the totem fall, like does the top fall at the end or not? I remember a proponent of like, you're not supposed to know. Like people, like that was the big thing. Like, like, oh, is it fall or not? Like, oh, you can kind of see it. Well, I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. You're not supposed to know. That's the point. Anyways. Yeah. So, uh,

Haydn Fabre (01:45:06.327)
Yeah, I don't think you are.

Haydn Fabre (01:45:17.684)
Yeah. Yeah. I just like to pick the opposite of what people think. If they're like, it falls, I'm like, no, it's up. It's up the whole time. Like he's not dream.

Eli Price (01:45:21.902)

Eli Price (01:45:25.782)
Yeah, just a contrarian. Yeah. All right. What are you going with number four?

Haydn Fabre (01:45:27.875)
Oh yeah.

All right, this is a tough one. I didn't think that this list, we would start having slim pickings in this early, but I'm feeling, I'm struggling here, man. Yeah, the box office doesn't say it all. Shoot.

Eli Price (01:45:36.438)
Yeah. Yeah. What you got?

Haydn Fabre (01:45:49.399)
You know what, I'm gonna take a pick that I don't think you'll like very much. Nevermind, I'm gonna hold that to the end. I'm gonna hold it to the end and I'm gonna test you and I'm gonna see. I'm gonna risk it for the biscuit. I'm gonna go with the Avengers at episode, at section four, spot four, the Avengers. The OG, first time we saw the whole gang on screen. A moment yet again in superhero history at its peak, or on its way to its peak.

Eli Price (01:45:53.119)

Okay, you're gonna risk it?

Eli Price (01:46:05.006)
The original Avengers. Okay.

Eli Price (01:46:16.823)

I remember seeing it. It's number 10 all time box office. Yeah. All right, so this will be my most controversial pick. There will be a lot of people that don't like it. And I actually don't know where you stand on this. I'm going The Last Jedi. I love The Last Jedi. I think it is the fourth best Star Wars movie after the original trilogy.

Haydn Fabre (01:46:20.815)
That's right. It's crazy. Alright, what you got?

Haydn Fabre (01:46:31.46)
Oh no. Go for it.

Haydn Fabre (01:46:37.911)
The last shout out.

Haydn Fabre (01:46:47.031)
Wow. I don't know where I stand on The Last Jedi. All of my friends are Star Wars extremists and they would hate me if I said anything different, so I haven't even explored it yet.

Eli Price (01:46:51.992)
I like.

Eli Price (01:46:57.47)
Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, I'll get some flack from some people for that. And I have I have. But I just think it's I think it's interesting. I like, you know, I have takes on it. We don't have time for all those, though. So you can hit me up. Yeah. Hit me up on Twitter or something, and I'll I'll talk to you there. Yeah, I don't I don't. Maybe we can do Rian Johnson in the future. We'll see. All right. Where are you going? Number five.

Haydn Fabre (01:47:04.942)
Oh yeah.

Haydn Fabre (01:47:14.063)
We'll do it. Tune in for the last Jedi episode. Hm.

Haydn Fabre (01:47:27.372)
Yeah, dude, you keep throwing me for loops here

I keep getting stuck.

Haydn Fabre (01:47:35.019)
Alright, I'm gonna go with a movie that meant a lot to me as a child. A movie that I thought was the coolest movie ever made. That made me feel like a man and made me feel things I never felt before. And I'm gonna go with Independence Day.

Eli Price (01:47:48.562)
Independence Day. OK. That's fine. Ninety four on the list. Pretty low down there. But hey, Will Smith at his peak. Yeah. All right. Cool. That was five for number five for me going back to the animated well and picking one of my absolute favorite Pixar's and Inside Out. Love Inside Out.

Haydn Fabre (01:47:50.071)
That's right.

Haydn Fabre (01:47:54.819)
Pretty low. I need me an alien movie. Oh yeah.

Haydn Fabre (01:48:13.3)
Nice, inside out.

Eli Price (01:48:16.746)
Yeah, Inside Out and Soul are my two favorite Pixar movies. Not that anyone asked, but. Right. Eighty five on the all time list. So. Which, by the way, the last Jedi, number 17 on the all time list. So it's up there, you know.

Haydn Fabre (01:48:21.027)
Inside out made me feel some things, man. It hit me in my soul. Oh yeah, it hit me in my soul.

Haydn Fabre (01:48:34.963)
Wow, it is. What if I just took like Breaking Dawn part two? Just like take it, grab it twice. I know, I know, I can't do it. Oh man, what if I got the live action line, can I? Hmm.

Eli Price (01:48:40.38)
Well, it's your it's your pick, so you can if you want number six. Where are you going?

Eli Price (01:48:51.34)
Uh, is that on here?

Haydn Fabre (01:48:53.171)
It is, it is, yeah. Don't look too deep on this list, you'll start getting sad, man. You'll just start getting sad. Yeah, it's absurd, yeah. It's higher than the original Lion King, yeah. Yeah, I know, I know. Let's just avoid that one altogether. Shoot, man. What do I do here? What do I do here? I'm gonna take the one that I said I was gonna wait until the end and I'll find something else later. I'm going to take...

Eli Price (01:48:59.614)
It's number nine. It's a tr-

Eli Price (01:49:06.488)
movie don't ever see it.

Haydn Fabre (01:49:22.183)
the film that stormed cinemas that saved the movie theaters in America. The film that will soon be one of the greatest action movies of all time. Once it stands the test, I'm going to take Top Gun Maverick.

Eli Price (01:49:29.719)

Eli Price (01:49:37.882)
All right. Hey, I get it. So this is something in my friend's circle, like I get a lot of flack because I did. I had top gun Maverick like pretty far down on my on my twenty, twenty two movie list. But I liked the movie. I liked it. I liked the movie. It was a seven out of ten solid. It got the heart on on letterboxed. You know. Yeah, it got.

Haydn Fabre (01:49:50.327)
Yeah, you hated it. Tom Cruise saved the movie theaters and you put him below 50.

Haydn Fabre (01:50:04.975)
That's all that matters in the end. The House.

Eli Price (01:50:07.406)
Got the little heart with the rating. I like Top Gun Maverick. It just wasn't my favorite. That's, you know. All right.

Haydn Fabre (01:50:14.099)
Yeah. I loved that film and it's on my list.

Eli Price (01:50:20.362)
You got it you you drafted it. We'll see what the people think All right, so if we're doing box office movies, I guess I've got to take you know try to hit some franchises. I'll take my favorite Marvel movie in Black Panther

Haydn Fabre (01:50:21.455)
Take it away.

Haydn Fabre (01:50:39.503)
Mmm, good pick.

Eli Price (01:50:43.95)
I think it's the most interesting Marvel movie.

Haydn Fabre (01:50:47.555)
Yeah, it's definitely a special one man. It's got the hamlet vibes It's got the some of the best costume design I've seen in a movie ever. Oh Yeah

Eli Price (01:50:51.406)

Eli Price (01:50:54.702)
Oh yeah. All right, last pick.

Haydn Fabre (01:50:58.423)
Last... Hic. Oh my goodness.

I don't have any Disney on here. I feel like I need some Disney. Like I've got some Star Wars, but I don't have any Disney. I like some true Disney. So I think I'm gonna check my Disney box here and I'm gonna go with the first movie that I saw in theaters with Finding Nemo.

Eli Price (01:51:07.95)
to get some Disney.

Eli Price (01:51:23.666)
All right, Finding Nemo. It's a great movie. Really is. It's a you know, it's not like Lion King Disney, but it's Pixar. You know, it's it's still Disney. All right. So that was seven. Man, this is where I'm kind of struggling. You know what? We're hitting.

Haydn Fabre (01:51:28.287)
Oh yeah. It's beautiful.

Haydn Fabre (01:51:35.387)
Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Eli Price (01:51:51.406)
We're hitting all the genres. I'm going, I'm going to go Skyfall.

Haydn Fabre (01:51:56.431)
Skyfall. Let's grab him. James Bond.

Eli Price (01:51:57.998)
Yeah, dude. Number 28 on the all time box offices, which I think it's funny. Casino Royale isn't on this list. No. And it's the best of the Daniel Craig for sure. But Skyfall is right there with it for me. They're they're pretty close to tide. I think Skyfall is is tied with Casino Royale for the best of the the series. But, yeah, it's a good, good, good Bond movie.

Haydn Fabre (01:52:07.235)
It's not even there, no, I was looking for it too, I love that film.

Haydn Fabre (01:52:14.319)

Eli Price (01:52:27.326)
I'm not a big Bond fan. The Daniel Craig ones are really the only ones that I really think are really good movies. But yeah, Skyfall. So yeah, so I'll read off my list and then I'll let you read off yours. I've got Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King. I've got The Lion King. This is going to be out of order because I'm just looking. I've got Inception, Inside Out, Star Wars, The Last Jedi.

Haydn Fabre (01:52:37.731)
Good pick.

Eli Price (01:52:57.25)
Black Panther and Skyfall. That's my seven box office draft in movies. What's your list look like, Hayden?

Haydn Fabre (01:53:07.023)
And I've got The Dark Knight, Jurassic Park, Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith, The Avengers, Independence Day, Top Gun Maverick, and Finding Nemo.

Eli Price (01:53:20.97)
Yeah, great. Good list. Good list. Solid. Solid. I like mine better, obviously. I mean, the dark we're going to put this up for for listeners to vote on and in a poll on the socials. But, you know, I'll let you have the first pick. You know, the dark might might tip it for you. Yeah.

Haydn Fabre (01:53:22.883)
Great draft. Good work.

Haydn Fabre (01:53:39.775)
You gave me the Dark Knight and it was just... And then it will depend on how people feel. Do we have any Star Wars fans up in these listeners? We got some Revenge of the Sith fans.

Eli Price (01:53:45.386)
Yeah. I, you know, and then I set myself up for Phil, you're picking the last Jedi. I'm definitely you're definitely one in this poll.

Haydn Fabre (01:53:51.575)
You did. This is how they're gonna vote. They're gonna vote on which Star Wars movie is their favorite. And Revenge of the Sith is gonna beat The Last Jedi, so.

Eli Price (01:54:00.414)
You know, what can I do except stand here and scream like Darth Vader? I tend to.

Haydn Fabre (01:54:02.223)
You're in the minority, man. That's just what happens. Yes. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Eli Price (01:54:12.492)

Haydn Fabre Profile Photo

Haydn Fabre

Haydn Fabre is a husband, creator, and student pastor out of Lafayette, Louisiana! Big fan of movies, shows, unconventional sports, Jesus, and more. On any given day, he’s just stoked to be around.